FileMaker XML Digger Tool

Quick tool that lets you check the FileMaker version and platform that FileMaker Server is running on.

  • This tool is now defunct (see below)
We no longer offer FileMaker consulting services, so this utility does not serve a big enough purpose to continue update/maintain it.

This utility can be used to test the security of your own FileMaker web server(s).

All activity is logged (malicious activity will be reported to database owner).

FileMaker, Inc. has a web security guideline document which can be found here.

We have developed a few ways to secure your data without needing expensive 3rd party products (Lasso for example) and allowing users to only view data they are allowed to view (without the need for HTTP realm authentication).

If you find your FileMaker web server is less secure than you would like, and you are unable to make the necessary changes, we offer consulting services where we can assist in plugging any security holes you may have.

If you would like to learn more about our free web tools, there is a tools forum available.

How is it done? FileMaker Pro 5.0 and higher has XML publishing built-in to Web Companion, which cannot be disabled. You can use the -dso_xml format tag and various other tags to view info about databases, such as -dbnames, -scriptnames, -layoutnames, -view, etc.

Enter IP address for your FileMaker Pro 3.0, 4.x, 5.x or 6.0 web server.