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    y u no do it?

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May 1, 2013
Mar 23, 2005
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Home Page:
In Your Mind
Occupied By Finding Out What A Job Is.


Notable Member, from In Your Mind

Last seen:
May 1, 2013
    1. ssinghuk
      Hi Clint. It's Sid here. Hope you are well. I have just spoken to my business partner Alex and he tells me he is trying to get in touch with you for a quick update on our Google Adwords problem. Alex explained to me that you have some problems with our Analytics account in that one of your other clients has somehow wiped out our Google Adwords budget... We dont mind having to wait until this gets sorted, however we would appreciate it if you could give us a quick update on the situation and an estimated date when we should have our Google Adwords back up and running? If you could drop me or Alex a quick email that would be much appreciated. We're keen to keep in regular contact with an update on the situation. Many thanks, Sid.
    2. coolseo31

      Can you please help in solving following query.
      Recently I read a thread related to rss submission on DP.
      that make think about rss submission.
      If we have submistted rss of website in certain rss directories last week but this week I have updated website this week so should I resubmit rsss of website in same rss directories where I have submitted rss last week.
      Is there any need to do it.
      or onetime submission is enough.
    3. coolseo31
      Hi astral,
      I have created rss for my site.
      but how rss can be beneficial for my site.
      As I have already submitted rss in rss directory.
      What else I can do with rss.
      Can you please give me any suggestion.
      please reply.
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