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  1. b.devroey liked antpeks's post in the thread PHP newbie in trouble - who can help.

    i get this error: Notice: Undefined index: product in /home/XXXXX/domains/XXXX/public_html/procces/proc_add_product.php on line 38...

    Apr 15, 2011
  2. nks liked antpeks's post in the thread search engine script.

    a very good search engine script, based on sphider.Eu is spider-plus, i a thinking of installing it on a Adult domain to index a couple...

    Jan 10, 2009
  3. Nima liked antpeks's post in the thread How to get Mailing List.

    i am using interspire maiinglist software, not for free, but it ha everything i need, from auto responders, to bounceback automation....

    Aug 14, 2008