Likes Received By BlogSalesman

  1. Snoopy240 liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread New Affiliate Posting Rule PLEASE READ.

    I second that!

    Jun 28, 2013
  2. Snoopy240 liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread New Affiliate Posting Rule PLEASE READ.

    And No More Affiliate Links In Posts!

    Jun 28, 2013
  3. lifeplayer liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Any good affiliate programs that pay per lead?.

    NeverBlue, MarketLeverage, Copeac, and HydraNetwork are what I use.

    Nov 5, 2008
  4. ronnyeo liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread need appraise. Is it a premium domain?.

    Name by itself - worthless. 2 years old and PR2 - Probably mid $xx

    Jun 24, 2008
  5. pablo liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread KZ - PR3 - 60 UV / day.

    For just the domain name itself - Low $xx. Everything else (including site) - low to mid $xxx

    Jun 24, 2008
  6. MKHost Ltd liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Torrent Domain.

    I would say mid $xx. I really like it. Develop it and it could go through the roof.

    Jun 24, 2008
  7. FUSIONspy liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread | | | ,....

    CheapOffers - Low $xx SilkFabric - Low to Mid $xx Flovent - Possibly high $xx Seriously that many people search for DeepKiss?

    Jun 23, 2008
  8. deluxdon liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Just Switched Over to Blue Theme.

    And it is nice. Takes me a few seconds each time I come here to get used to it, but I like it WAY more than the green.

    Jun 13, 2008
  9. jbroadbentshaw liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread $2.99 yahoo domains.

    Semi-Promotional, they always seem to have cheap domains, for 1 year and 1 year only. $9.99 to renew, and all domains set to...

    Jun 5, 2008
  10. DigitalHouseNewYork liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Need appraisal on these dot coms please - Taking offers as well..

    I like HumanRevenue, Artist-Avenue. All others, reg fee.

    Jun 2, 2008
  11. mcfox liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread 3 Technical Errors - Need Help ! Should Take 1 minute.

    1) View source - 477th line down 2) 481st line down 3) Line 946 you have a <div> tag, make it a </div> and it should fix it.

    May 30, 2008
  12. sikhrule liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread

    I was going to say - 4 letter, plus PR. I would say low $xxx.

    May 12, 2008
  13. articledirectory liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Need help constraining a table width..

    I guess when I said it before, I was talking out my a$$ ...

    May 9, 2008
  14. john269 liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread Money of Affiliate.

    Guy sent this to me on this forum: Shows min payout and gives a description of...

    Dec 29, 2007
  15. smub liked BlogSalesman's post in the thread First Ever XHTML 1.0 Strict Bidding Directory?.

    So, in looking at bidding directories around the web, I have notice the poor coding standards (mostly due to the scripts). Can I say...

    Oct 16, 2007