Likes Received By cblanke

  1. alodie liked cblanke's post in the thread What would you do if you found $40,000?.

    Hi Alodi, If you go to the top right of the page and click on your name you will see a link that says (likes you have received) if you...

    Aug 26, 2014
  2. Brian123 liked cblanke's post in the thread Survey....

    Took the survey as well. This is just my thought on disclosing my passwords. I would never disclose my password to a spouse as them type...

    Aug 20, 2014
  3. Content Maestro liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    Oh come on malkey66, Give the 13 year old his post of glory... ;) lol

    Aug 17, 2014
  4. Content Maestro liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    It only matters if you care weather or not your linked or single. As i have been through a couple failed marriages and have a great...

    Aug 17, 2014
  5. Content Maestro liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    My guess is that his mom caught him asking about dating and thought he was on a dating site and banned him from being here. LMAO :rolleyes:

    Aug 17, 2014
  6. CU_Designs liked cblanke's post in the thread What would you do if you found $40,000?.

    No problem alodie, Glad to help. And yes you do need to have 3 likes on your posts to see the like button. Welcome aboard and just keep...

    Aug 17, 2014
  7. CU_Designs liked cblanke's post in the thread What would you do if you found $40,000?.

    Hi Alodi, If you go to the top right of the page and click on your name you will see a link that says (likes you have received) if you...

    Aug 17, 2014
  8. bmc2009 liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    My guess is that his mom caught him asking about dating and thought he was on a dating site and banned him from being here. LMAO :rolleyes:

    Aug 17, 2014
  9. sarahk liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    My guess is that his mom caught him asking about dating and thought he was on a dating site and banned him from being here. LMAO :rolleyes:

    Aug 17, 2014
  10. sarahk liked cblanke's post in the thread Are You Single Or Linked.

    Oh come on malkey66, Give the 13 year old his post of glory... ;) lol

    Aug 12, 2014
  11. CU_Designs liked cblanke's post in the thread What would you do if you found $40,000?.

    Boy there is a lot of greedy people in the world. These are the steps that should be taken for peace of mind. This is coming from a...

    Aug 7, 2014
  12. jrbiz liked cblanke's post in the thread Do money commands respect?.

    In my eyes having money or not having money does not make the person. If someone criticizes you for being broke and de-friends you for...

    Jul 30, 2014
  13. jrbiz liked cblanke's post in the thread Russia Shot Down 2 UK Jets....

    About the US smoking anything you must have forgot we have Obama in charge and the only thing he smokes is located in the pelvic region...

    Jul 24, 2014
  14. averyz liked cblanke's post in the thread Google moving to link-less future..

    Thats what G is trying to do!! How can they profit on you if they dont tell you you can only advertise with them and you "must remove...

    Jan 27, 2014
  15. Webcenter liked cblanke's post in the thread Please Review My Upcoming Webmaster Forum.

    The site looks great, but if you must have the header black instead of blue to match the site try to change the blue's to greens to...

    Jan 23, 2014
  16. wwws liked cblanke's post in the thread Directory for phpLD Powered Directories.

    Sorry but that is not my intentions and i will not sit and be accused of it as i am a very active member of the phpld furums. Your...

    Dec 26, 2009