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Likes Received By danimal
CodeWorld liked danimal's post in the thread Adsense has finally started to take off :).
no. the talent in front of the camera that is starring in the video doesn't own the copyright to the video, it's the person who...
Aug 18, 2008 -
pipes liked danimal's post in the thread Carzy,My new website earn $121.08 just in one day!.
-calling a mod to the courtesy phone, please- we got a spammer spill on isle 7 that needs to be cleaned up.
Mar 29, 2008 -
soju liked danimal's post in the thread Read about "Team ODP".
maybe somebody can translate that into english? and who out here is a marine, and why would it matter? meaningless gibberish....
Jan 3, 2008 -
shadow575 liked danimal's post in the thread Read about "Team ODP".
oh, like that is real relevant to all of your whining :rolleyes: you need to get yourself a life, and figure out what is really wrong...
Jan 2, 2008 -
Anonymously liked danimal's post in the thread Read about "Team ODP".
go ahead, keep on with the personal attacks, you are proving everything that i've said about the dmoz. your childish behavior in this...
Dec 28, 2007 -
sparxxx liked danimal's post in the thread How to weed out low paying ads?.
the advertisers you get are largely dependant on the niche, but remember that adwords advertisers can block your site if it doesn't...
Nov 25, 2007 -
Adpubster liked danimal's post in the thread Filter out those MFAs.
wrong, ad ranking within the adsense block is a function of how well the ad pays, AND how often it will be clicked on. keyword...
Jun 25, 2007 -
FanAddict liked danimal's post in the thread re: Making money from Adsense on Video sites.
that is complete rubbish... ask yourself why google does not put adsense on pages with embedded video. they don't care if people are...
May 9, 2007 -
tusen liked danimal's post in the thread A Guide To Making Money With A Video Blog.
dead wrong... there is nothing in the google video or youtube tos that says that. not relevant. this is about embedding youtube...
Apr 21, 2007 -
ClickBoothRep liked danimal's post in the thread ClickBooth: Wonderful Commissions.
"You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied... If you believe you should be able to...
Apr 18, 2007 -
jackburton2006 liked danimal's post in the thread Quality traffic --- how do I even start?.
then you should be starting a website that teaches chemistry, using english that's easy to understand, and entertaining as well... or is...
May 21, 2006 -
vishwaa liked danimal's post in the thread Best CMS for static SE friendly URLs.
as i understand it, you want static for better seo. i put wordpress up on the server last nite for the first time, then installed a...
Dec 15, 2005 -
compostannie liked danimal's post in the thread Resigned -.
there aren't enuf active editors because you dmoz people don't let 'em in... i have a whole lot of expertise in a certain dmoz category...
Dec 1, 2005 -
STVP liked danimal's post in the thread Resigned -.
there aren't enuf active editors because you dmoz people don't let 'em in... i have a whole lot of expertise in a certain dmoz category...
Nov 30, 2005 -
Hodgedup liked danimal's post in the thread Watermark/logo on video and video compression.
ligos rocked back in the day, it was a great encoder. but today you don't want to put any kind of mpeg 1 or mpeg 2 video on the 'net,...
Nov 1, 2005 -
Homer liked danimal's post in the thread How many backlinks does it take to equal....
speaking of rumours, what does "probably" mean? i would suggest that most natural links don't have the best anchor text, or anchor...
Sep 18, 2005 -
Shoemoney liked danimal's post in the thread How I got paid $250 for reporting an Adsense Cheater!.
i can't imagine why anybody would pay $25 for your software, based entirely on the speculation that they would be "rewarded" by unknown...
Sep 1, 2005 -
Shoemoney liked danimal's post in the thread Images Over Ads - Compliance Terms.
>>>Publishers are still welcome to place images above the ads. The only exception is if it's in such a way that it looks like the images...
Aug 15, 2005 -
nevetS liked danimal's post in the thread Banned for Blogging.
>>>500K pages with high-quality content<<< is that an oxymoron? sorta like "government intelligence". and aren't affiliate catalog...
Jul 13, 2005