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Likes Received By Fuad M Rafiq
davilama2682 liked Fuad M Rafiq's post in the thread What you prefer ? Free or Paid Traffic.
I prefer free organic traffic.
Sep 25, 2021 -
davilama2682 liked Fuad M Rafiq's post in the thread Off-Page/On-Page SEO Focus.
I think both are important.
Sep 25, 2021 -
Spoiltdiva liked Fuad M Rafiq's post in the thread How do you write when you're not in the mood?.
If you are having writers' block try changing the environment or go on a vacation.
Sep 22, 2021 -
sarahk liked Fuad M Rafiq's post in the thread Will SEO die?.
I don't think it will DIE rather it will emerge as more complex process.
Sep 20, 2021