Likes Received By Gianni Palazzo

  1. CU_Designs liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Are there any other forums like digital point?.

    What about the WARRIOR FORUM? It has a lot more members and it is busier than here.

    May 17, 2014
  2. Branko Zecevic liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Creating Content Advise..

    The first step to create a huge amount of traffic to a site or landing page is your own personality. What I am trying to say is, you...

    Jul 22, 2013
  3. danasurvey liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Creating Content Advise..

    The first step to create a huge amount of traffic to a site or landing page is your own personality. What I am trying to say is, you...

    Jul 16, 2013
  4. Snoopy240 liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread 3 Things You Need to Do to Be Successful Online And Become A Good Leader..

    I believe in taking action is the best way to learn and make progress in whatever we want to achieve in our business and personal...

    Jul 12, 2013
  5. Revelations-Decoder liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Visualize success in you mind.

    How many of you have doubts in your head that you cannot achieve what you want. Generally we become what we think about us. In order...

    Jul 9, 2013
  6. matt_62 liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread what happen if I can't win a bid in penny auction site ?.

    My advice to you is: If you are not getting your money back don't do it. What is the point of throwing your hard earned money by the...

    Jun 11, 2013
  7. Spoiltdiva liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread banned for almost 1 or 2 months but why ?.

    The best thing is to read the rules before posting anything here to avoid disappointment in the near future

    Apr 3, 2013
  8. SocialForums liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread My Website doesn't get listed in Google when searched by keywords..

    Content is the king. If there is not content, then there is not interaction between your visitors and your site. Also, it takes time...

    Mar 17, 2013
  9. indyonline liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Is Digital Point Losing Visitor Loyalty.

    I think the forum is losing the bad people who do not bring any value to the forum . I think the measurements taken by the staff...

    Mar 13, 2013
  10. liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread If Google Didn't Exist....

    That's true my friend. Nobody came to stay here forever. The biggest and strongest Empires in the world collapsed long time ago....

    Feb 21, 2013
  11. Winagain liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Are You Rich?.

    If I were rich I would not be here posting things everyday.

    Feb 9, 2013
  12. SocialMediaFan liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread How To Attract Potential Clients.

    Being unique makes a big difference when it comes to attract clients to hire your services. Price and quality of service also helps to...

    Dec 12, 2012
  13. DennisKnows liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread You need someone to hold you accountable.....

    Motivation and willpower are the key to success in anything we start in life. Many people come to this business thinking because is the...

    Dec 6, 2012
  14. harrysehgal123 liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Forums to promote your Services.

    Warrior forum is a good one, Digital point forums, IM4newbies forum. Try those 3. I think they are among the 3 top ones, I am not sure....

    Oct 20, 2012
  15. Media_Challenge liked Gianni Palazzo's post in the thread Is your business benefiting from using youtube?.

    I think by using videos as a marketing tool is a good idea of generating ton of traffic to your website or the services you are...

    Oct 10, 2012