Likes Received By Kushal Shah

  1. sarahk liked Kushal Shah's post in the thread How to find free contents online.

    Free content? What world you live in m8? Content is never available for free!

    Nov 6, 2015
  2. rsrikanth05 liked Kushal Shah's post in the thread How to find free contents online.

    Right. And that comes with FREE penalty too!

    Nov 3, 2015
  3. wco liked Kushal Shah's post in the thread How to create perfect Title?.

    Create meaningful title tags to target long tail keywords and dont just stuff it with your targeted keywords. That's considered to be a...

    May 3, 2015
  4. carlo75 liked Kushal Shah's post in the thread Google News ranking and SEO.

    Yes, in "Google webmasters => Crawl Errors => News" section, I see alot of Article fragmanted, article too long and short errors. Google...

    Apr 3, 2015