1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Likes Received By Set

  1. maryn liked Set's post in the thread Impressions needed to make $100 a day.

    Read point 7 of Google AdSense T&C.

    Mar 9, 2007
  2. leadingzero liked Set's post in the thread When should we use image ads?.

    The problem is there might not be any image ad available for your context, so you should have some alternate ad available in that case.

    Mar 8, 2007
  3. *Mayank* liked Set's post in the thread When should we use image ads?.

    Then you should rather green rep me instead of writing such post. :rolleyes: Pity you are a noob and it would be only grey rep though. :D

    Mar 8, 2007
  4. devin liked Set's post in the thread my signature is stubborn.

    Put the color tags inside url tags. ;)

    Mar 5, 2007
  5. 8everything liked Set's post in the thread Reputation FAQ.

    Max negative rep you can give is 5. But I don't know how much it will take from you. Probably still only 1.

    Feb 26, 2007
  6. Protoss liked Set's post in the thread Finally $1000 in a week :).

    Sure he'll reach $2000 a week... in his dreams... :D If these are 1500 uniques you should earn $1 to $10 a day. Create a new thread...

    Feb 6, 2007
  7. soul-healer liked Set's post in the thread $0.10 for Firefox conversion... Is this a joke?.

    It seems someone here on DP doesn't believe me you can get $0.10 for Firefox conversion [img]. Look: [img] Could you believe...

    Jan 31, 2007
  8. FarSeer liked Set's post in the thread $0.10 for Firefox conversion... Is this a joke?.

    I've got my first refferal conversion yesterday. I've earned $.10. Come on! $.10 for convincing a user to intall a product and start...

    Jan 30, 2007
  9. eXe liked Set's post in the thread Finally $1000 in a week :).

    You got cought redhanded lying here rupert :mad: . Unless that's your revenue untill 3 days in adsense. They wouldnt pay out you anyway...

    Jan 13, 2007