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Likes Received By ShiftChip
spid4r liked ShiftChip's post in the thread Selling a TradeMarked Domain Name of Multi Billion Corp.
Lmao? this is probaly the worst idea posted buddy.... Dont do this.... makes you a Cybersquatter.... "The cybersquatter then offers to...
Dec 1, 2007 -
nabil_kadimi liked ShiftChip's post in the thread programmer-tutorials.com /// java-projects.com ....
osimg - worth nothing. java-language.com java-programming-language.com java-projects.com These have some value........
Oct 10, 2007 -
Skinny liked ShiftChip's post in the thread Wordpress Installation Issue.
Maybe it’s your theme? When you visit a page on Wordpress it doe not always use index.php If it’s a single page and you have...
May 18, 2007 -
kiviniar liked ShiftChip's post in the thread The Digg Effect - My first experience.
Well... Duh, he never said it did.... No one expects the traffic to stay that high up... The Digg effect is that spike in traffic....
May 4, 2007 -
uttoransen liked ShiftChip's post in the thread Google was hacked !!!! Is it true ??.
Its always been like that... Use search and you'll find a topic about this.
May 3, 2007 -
klown liked ShiftChip's post in the thread Simple css! Green Gobbs of Goodness for First Correct Answers.
For the first question... use margin http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_margin.asp Look around that site if you have any other...
Feb 28, 2007 -
Glen liked ShiftChip's post in the thread Which 1 is better.
Also (Shakes head at SmokeDog) It can go either way, almost all SEOing could be used in a BH or WH way... As for the original...
Feb 13, 2007