Likes Received By Shodan

  1. kentuckyslone liked Shodan's post in the thread I Would Appreciate Comments on thie new Blog.

    The site looks cool, I like how the heading is slightly opaque enough to see the background through it, cool effect. Also cool articles.

    Aug 31, 2007
  2. BottomUpSites liked Shodan's post in the thread Blog - Few Repeat Visitors.

    The site looks nice, but everything about the site leads the reader to believe that you create your site for the sole purpose of making...

    Aug 30, 2007
  3. ajitjc liked Shodan's post in the thread Please review

    Thats pretty nice, the post on alternative fuels was pretty interesting.

    Aug 29, 2007
  4. rentdn liked Shodan's post in the thread PLZ Review my script and website please

    hey now, thats pretty cool, props, windows is the future in website development hehe.

    Aug 29, 2007