Likes Received By thefandango

  1. Snoopy240 liked thefandango's post in the thread What is your Daily Marketing Plan?.

    I got bored with a daily plan. So now I put all the tasks I have to do on bits of paper and pull them out of a hat each day.

    Aug 27, 2013
  2. simpseo liked thefandango's post in the thread Do Follow Backlinks From Un Related Niches?.

    Simple question - prove it! The actual answer is that what this guy said is completely untrue, and is the same line peddled out by...

    Dec 1, 2009
  3. Dan Schulz liked thefandango's post in the thread Angela's Links - Are they worth it?.

    Automated linking = footprint = Google penalty eventually.

    Jul 29, 2009
  4. dcristo liked thefandango's post in the thread How do you think of suicide?.

    There is some real ignorance on display here. Clinical depression is an illness that can get people down so low that they take their...

    Jul 29, 2009
  5. coloradoboy2 liked thefandango's post in the thread New Website drawing 1-3k visitors a day.

    Another spam post I thought, and maybe it is. But the site is actually quite a ood idea. Will be interesting to see how quick it fills...

    Jun 30, 2009
  6. thuankkk liked thefandango's post in the thread Suddenly got tons of backlinks?.

    Forum and directory backlinks, and nowadays blog backlinks are being downgraded in importantce by Google. Once decent inbound link from...

    Apr 29, 2009
  7. lightless liked thefandango's post in the thread Twitter Now More Popular Than Digg **FACT**.

    This is utter, utter nonsense. Twitter is becoming popular for one reason only - because every single marketing website, blog, forum is...

    Jan 26, 2009
  8. Max1m liked thefandango's post in the thread Can any body suggest some free tool for commenting on blogs..

    Of course it exists but you are hardly going to get a positive responce on a whitehat forum - if you are making the mistake of asking on...

    Jan 26, 2009
  9. Gerrard_Aam liked thefandango's post in the thread what is the most boring movie you've ever seen?.

    Star Wars - what was that all about?

    Oct 11, 2008