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Likes Received By wing
xDemevenx liked wing's post in the thread Does anyone know how to do this or what type of programming it is?.
Javascript, it's jquerytools autoscrollplugin. http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/scrollable/plugins/index.html#autoscroll :)
Apr 8, 2011 -
SEO-Expert liked wing's post in the thread Stuck on some code.
I think you just need to define "rel", and it should work. Try this: theId = spans[i].getAttribute('rel').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");...
Oct 28, 2010 -
monkeyclap liked wing's post in the thread onclick select/copy for textarea or forms.
Yes, this is a function originally written by Mark Honnen that does the job. <script language=javascript> /** * Creates a...
Feb 10, 2010 -
Silver89 liked wing's post in the thread Multi Dimensional php sort array.
Here is another one// your array with events $aMultiDim = array ( 1 => array (0 => 'Other', 1 => 'Qatar Classic' ), 2 =>...
Nov 28, 2009 -
Dave4559 liked wing's post in the thread Is login integration possible with vBulletin??.
Ok, this is an easy way to do it yourself. Include a file that checks if the user is logged in<?php require_once...
Oct 3, 2008 -
lv211 liked wing's post in the thread PHP security.
Hmm... check out php security consortium there are a few pretty good articles on the subject there.
Jan 13, 2008 -
mahmood liked wing's post in the thread Cannot delete, cannot chage permission....
Hello :) When you create files and directorys with PHP the owner may not get to be the same as when you upload or create them with...
Jan 12, 2008 -
Nima liked wing's post in the thread What is this Syntax Error that Im getting?.
Ok, I took a fast peek and from what I can see it's a file called vbulletin_md5.js that's causing the error. The js file that belongs...
Aug 24, 2007 -
jasonsc liked wing's post in the thread PHP question - pls help.
Strip off some phpcode: <?php if(preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { ?><div id="firefox_check"> MY TEXT COMES HERE...
Jun 29, 2007 -
ajsa52 liked wing's post in the thread How to get color value from Image.
There is no need for javascript to get X & Y coordinates from a picture. You can use a form, and instead of a submit button use <input...
May 25, 2007 -
Toldo liked wing's post in the thread List of Bad Bots to disallow?.
The bad bots dont care about robots.txt. You need to shut them out with .htaccess Bad bots for example might be sitedownloading...
May 24, 2007 -
coderbari liked wing's post in the thread Execute...Output...Pause...Resume... Is this possible?.
Yes you can, check out these very cool and useful functions: php.net/manual/ref.outcontrol.php :)
May 19, 2007 -
AHA7 liked wing's post in the thread Execute...Output...Pause...Resume... Is this possible?.
Yes you can, check out these very cool and useful functions: php.net/manual/ref.outcontrol.php :)
May 19, 2007 -
jumpenjuhosaphat liked wing's post in the thread Strange w3c validation error.
You are using doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> But...
May 12, 2007