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    PubCon 2012 slides: disavow links tool

    by MattCutts
    Nov 16, 2012
    I spoke at PubCon 2012 last month in Las Vegas. A couple people have asked for my slides, so here they are:

    Several of the slides have links to additional information, in case you’re interested. We announced the disavow links tool during my session so that’s what a lot of the slides are about.

    Twitter Makes Search Results More Visual With Top Photos, Videos & Instant Previews

    by dannysullivan
    Nov 15, 2012
    Twitter is rolling out an update to its search results that will put a new “Top Photos” section above matching tweets. “Top Videos” may also appear. Twitter will also begin automatically showing tweeted pictures for those searching on the iPhone or with Android devices. Top Photos & Videos

    Twitter already shows top photos and images for a search, but these have been placed off to the side of the main search results, like this:

    With the change, top pictures and videos will come above...

    How will Google interpret links to URLs ending with a campaign tag?

    Nov 14, 2012
    Will Google interpret links to URLs ending with a campaign tag like ?hl=en (www.example.com?hl=en) as a link to www.example.com or to a completely...

    How does Google consider site-wide backlinks?

    Nov 13, 2012
    Are sitewide backlinks considered good or bad by Google? Or do they just count as 1 link from the whole domain? Chris Trynkiewicz, Cracow, Poland...

    Does Google take action on spammy guest blogging activities?

    Nov 12, 2012
    Currently, guest blogging is the favorite activity of webmasters for link acquisition. Due to its easy nature, lots of spammy activities are going on...

    Of “Magic Keywords” & Flavors Of Personalized Search At Google

    by dannysullivan
    Nov 9, 2012
    When is personalized search not personalized search? A recently discovered shift on how Google may alter your search results based on what you — and others in aggregate — previously have searched for may have you wondering how to answer that question.

    To understand the latest development, I think it’s helpful to go back and review the “flavors” of personal search that Google has, flavors that often all get mixed together. Let’s dive in. Personalization Based On Geography

    Google has long...

    The Evolution of My Public Presentations

    by randfish
    Nov 8, 2012
    This week at Distilled’s Searchlove conference in Boston (which, BTW, is probably the best marketing content I’ve seen at an event, period, including Mozcon – yes, I’m a little jealous), I presented the slide deck below on earning marketing love: Can’t Buy Me Love from Rand Fishkin

    For those of you who’ve seen me present this year, or who’ve followed my decks on Slideshare, you can probably tell that this one’s a significant upgrade from the past, and an obvious amalgamation of prior...

    The Mess That Is Google Shopping

    by dannysullivan
    Nov 8, 2012
    One of the things Google promised by moving Google Shopping to the pay-to-play model for merchants was how much the experience was going to improve for shoppers. If that’s the case, I’m sure not seeing it. Come on a little tour. Amazon Don’t Play That Game

    The new system began on October 17. Perhaps the most striking change by Google deciding that it would only list merchants if they pay to be included is the absence of a little known online retailer called Amazon. Nope, Amazon doesn’t want...

    Should I keep a domain parked without content before I launch the website?

    Nov 7, 2012
    I have a parked domain and want to launch a new website on it. Are there any pitfalls I should avoid? Should I keep my domain parked or put some sort...

    Keynoting At Our SMX Social Media Marketing Conference: Vic Gundotra, Head Of Google+

    by dannysullivan
    Nov 7, 2012
    Search Engine Land’s SMX Social Media Marketing is just a month away, coming to Las Vegas on Dec. 5 & 6. Our closing keynote features Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering for Google+.

    Vic oversees all of Google’s social efforts, and he’ll be bringing conference attendees up-to-speed on all the progress that Google+ has made over the past year plus perhaps give some hints on what’s next with the service.

    You won’t want to miss the keynote, which happens on Dec. 6. Nor will...