Likes Received By chris20492002

  1. YMC liked chris20492002's post in the thread Where to find female writers.

    LOL you must check?

    May 26, 2010
  2. arpitagarwal82 liked chris20492002's post in the thread Automated Blogs. Any Niche. You decide the price. Pay after work. Must try..

    Got 20 off him. they were done in a reasonable timeframe. Now just to promote them :)

    Jun 13, 2007
  3. harshakiran liked chris20492002's post in the thread Does anyone do a service to get your site to #1 in google?.

    onedollar he was talking about. I dont want a ebook. digitalpoint and xxxx ect. are a better source of information about seo than a...

    May 9, 2007
  4. pratik liked chris20492002's post in the thread Logo Contest - 250,000 impressions reward..

    Hi, I need a logo for my little business I just want something to go great with the background. you...

    Apr 15, 2007
  5. Karen May Jones liked chris20492002's post in the thread I will post in your forum. $1 for 20 posts.

    20 Posts at Watch Anime Online Please. Send me your paypal after you have done 20 :) Are you still posting as this thread was a...

    Mar 31, 2007
  6. sjsjsj215 liked chris20492002's post in the thread VBSeo vs Zoints.

    they dropped the price :O How much was it before? also how does vrewrite compare to zoints if anyone has used the 2.

    Mar 24, 2007
  7. Nick_Mayhem liked chris20492002's post in the thread Oh yes I got the payments.

    lol BTW congrats the first payout is always the best

    Mar 5, 2007
  8. ian_batten liked chris20492002's post in the thread Would this layout be in compliance with TOS?.

    Some of you say it is decieving what if I put advertisement above the 2 sections that have the adsence?? and make it clear section 2 and...

    Dec 24, 2006
  9. slava liked chris20492002's post in the thread YPN still demanding USA traffic?.

    YPN really need to open the door to the rest of the world. Im still waiting for them to accept australians :(

    Nov 16, 2006
  10. irka liked chris20492002's post in the thread Image verification (AGH).

    I useually disable my image verification on new directories now to keep mysticmedia happy. :P I do not submit to directories myself...

    Oct 31, 2006
  11. KeithLDick liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory

    Hi, another directory to submit your links to. Featured Links are Highly appreciated. If I get 2...

    Oct 18, 2006
  12. KeithLDick liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory Free Submission Reciprocal NOT needed..

    Ill try and setup 1 directory a day till all 5 are up and running. Please Submit to my new directory....

    Oct 7, 2006
  13. Instigator liked chris20492002's post in the thread 3 New directories to add your domain to..

    Ok this is my last thread the last 3 sites have been setup and are ready to accept links. all the same template....

    Oct 7, 2006
  14. danielbruzual liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory Free Submission Reciprocal NOT needed..

    Ill try and setup 1 directory a day till all 5 are up and running. Please Submit to my new directory....

    Oct 7, 2006
  15. danielbruzual liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory

    Please Submit your links to I will be doing alot of submitting to get some decent traffic to the...

    Sep 24, 2006
  16. vegabond liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory please submit..

    Ok so I thought Id give running a directory a go link is Please submit links. basically any site will be accepted...

    Aug 6, 2006
  17. KeithLDick liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory please submit..

    Ok so I thought Id give running a directory a go link is Please submit links. basically any site will be accepted...

    Jul 21, 2006
  18. rubeina liked chris20492002's post in the thread New Directory please submit..

    Ok so I thought Id give running a directory a go link is Please submit links. basically any site will be accepted...

    Jul 21, 2006