Likes Received By compostannie

  1. lightless liked compostannie's post in the thread And Now, For Something Completely Different.

    OMG, Rob, I can't stop laughing. Thanks for the memories cowboy, keep wearing that white hat of yours. ;)

    Dec 13, 2008
  2. Unknown Member liked compostannie's post in the thread Strange email from DMOZ editor(?).

    This is the first thread I've read at DP in months, glad I chose this one! Thanks Jim for your swift action and for letting people know...

    Oct 21, 2008
  3. robjones liked compostannie's post in the thread Strange email from DMOZ editor(?).

    This is the first thread I've read at DP in months, glad I chose this one! Thanks Jim for your swift action and for letting people know...

    Oct 21, 2008
  4. iggysick liked compostannie's post in the thread How to get listed in DMOZ, the easy way. 2 days..

    Gworld, I like the picture. Who's the artist?

    Jun 23, 2008
  5. threebuckchuck liked compostannie's post in the thread Placement Fee for ODP.

    Jim, you know I like you and respect you, but every time you (and other metas) post something like this I can't help but take it...

    Apr 14, 2008
  6. robjones liked compostannie's post in the thread Placement Fee for ODP.

    I have moved on and it is my past. I am in a much better place now, working with some of my dearest friends. I am much happier than I...

    Mar 18, 2008
  7. Alucard liked compostannie's post in the thread Placement Fee for ODP.

    I have moved on and it is my past. I am in a much better place now, working with some of my dearest friends. I am much happier than I...

    Mar 18, 2008
  8. threebuckchuck liked compostannie's post in the thread Placement Fee for ODP.

    I have moved on and it is my past. I am in a much better place now, working with some of my dearest friends. I am much happier than I...

    Mar 18, 2008
  9. Ivan Bajlo liked compostannie's post in the thread Placement Fee for ODP.

    Jim, you know I like you and respect you, but every time you (and other metas) post something like this I can't help but take it...

    Mar 17, 2008
  10. Qryztufre liked compostannie's post in the thread Dmoz Bye Bye.

    Rumors are the Admins are considering upgrading to squirrels. They're faster and they can handle nuts. We're waiting for an announcement.

    Mar 15, 2008
  11. robjones liked compostannie's post in the thread DMOZ the most important Link?.

    I'd assume this is closer to the truth because it makes sense. CNN is more closely related to ODP than Topix will ever be. I hope....

    Jan 28, 2008
  12. Alucard liked compostannie's post in the thread DMOZ the most important Link?.

    I'd assume this is closer to the truth because it makes sense. CNN is more closely related to ODP than Topix will ever be. I hope....

    Jan 28, 2008
  13. MOG liked compostannie's post in the thread Is it really too much to ask for an email from DMOZ.

    Sorry MOG, I haven't posted in weeks. I only did here because my name was mentioned. I'm out. :)

    Jan 18, 2008
  14. Alucard liked compostannie's post in the thread Is it really too much to ask for an email from DMOZ.

    Sorry, I'm confused by this. Yes, but everything has flaws, it's an inescapable part of life. I think the booting procedures are...

    Jan 18, 2008
  15. popotalk liked compostannie's post in the thread DMOZ Listing | Ready to pay!.

    nebuchadrezzar, I was shocked and saddened to see multiple ODP editors on this forum say exactly what Q said. In fact they argued with...

    Dec 8, 2007
  16. Anonymously liked compostannie's post in the thread A question about DMOZ.

    It's getting hard to understand what's going on with all this school-yard silliness going on. I'm off to dog school now, I have a...

    Dec 5, 2007
  17. paidhosting liked compostannie's post in the thread A question about DMOZ.

    It's getting hard to understand what's going on with all this school-yard silliness going on. I'm off to dog school now, I have a...

    Dec 4, 2007
  18. Qryztufre liked compostannie's post in the thread Is you Site listed in DMOZ.

    The poll is flawed. Most people here have more than one site so you need an option like "some are, some aren't". Anyway, if your site...

    Dec 4, 2007
  19. robjones liked compostannie's post in the thread A question about DMOZ.

    It's getting hard to understand what's going on with all this school-yard silliness going on. I'm off to dog school now, I have a...

    Dec 3, 2007