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Likes Received By coreygeer

  1. Rado_ch liked coreygeer's post in the thread I Was Browsing iWriter Then I Saw This Job.

    Okay, I just HAD to share this gig. If anyone wants a premium writing opportunity, feel free to go to iWriter and scoop this one up...

    May 18, 2015
  2. DuneDreamer liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying 1 Page html5 site needed.

    I thought the content creation section of this forum had some winners. $15 for a page that I'm sure you're going to want fully...

    May 13, 2015
  3. wco liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Need Writer for tech blog.

    Honestly, if you need cheap content, just use a content mill like iWriter or Textbroker. You won't like what you get but you're not...

    May 7, 2015
  4. DuneDreamer liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Need Writer for tech blog.

    Honestly, if you need cheap content, just use a content mill like iWriter or Textbroker. You won't like what you get but you're not...

    May 7, 2015
  5. wco liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying need 200 articles on Cars in the US Market.

    I'm very aware of where I am. A place only turns into a bazaar if you allow it too. Just because some clients who come here see this...

    May 2, 2015
  6. wco liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying need 200 articles on Cars in the US Market.

    Out of curiosity, what exactly would you consider a tight budget for 100,000 words? If the budget is $2,000 or less, wouldn't it be...

    May 2, 2015
  7. awundrin liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Content Writer for SEO/Internet Marketing Niche.

    Which market are you referring to that $1 per 100 words is a good or even decent rate?

    Apr 18, 2015
  8. knowledgeherald liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Content writing about bollywood - good english.

    If you ever get tired of spun or copy/pasted content for the price you're offering, let me know. I'm only charging $3 per 100 words for...

    Apr 15, 2015
  9. ssaxena07 liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Content writing about bollywood - good english.

    If you ever get tired of spun or copy/pasted content for the price you're offering, let me know. I'm only charging $3 per 100 words for...

    Apr 14, 2015
  10. DuneDreamer liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Content writing about bollywood - good english.

    If you ever get tired of spun or copy/pasted content for the price you're offering, let me know. I'm only charging $3 per 100 words for...

    Apr 14, 2015
  11. DocuMaker liked coreygeer's post in the thread 3-star quality on Textbroker - is it worth spending money on?.

    I absolutely despise Textbroker and they know it. My big gripe with Textbroker is that there are plenty of high quality writers who get...

    Apr 8, 2015
  12. WLEadmin liked coreygeer's post in the thread Do you ever feel bad for declining jobs you'd PREVIOUSLY accepted because of low pay?.

    I only felt bad when I had to accept those jobs. If life ever gets that rough, I don't think I could ever accept a peanut job again. I...

    Apr 8, 2015
  13. DuneDreamer liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Data entry/content rewriting - permanent position.

    How does something sound "American" exactly? You do know the English language isn't strictly to just America right? The description of...

    Apr 7, 2015
  14. Crimebuster_of_the_Sea liked coreygeer's post in the thread Do you ever feel bad for declining jobs you'd PREVIOUSLY accepted because of low pay?.

    I only felt bad when I had to accept those jobs. If life ever gets that rough, I don't think I could ever accept a peanut job again. I...

    Apr 7, 2015
  15. Rado_ch liked coreygeer's post in the thread Views on new copywriters destabilising the market dynamics!.

    You have to have some kind of standards no matter where you go. If you just wing it and tell everyone you're looking to write for them,...

    Mar 13, 2015
  16. pianogirl liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Content writer for long term..

    Yeah, for the client's wallet and nothing else.

    Feb 28, 2015
  17. pianogirl liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Looking for a High Quality U.S. English Writer.

    Eh, these "client requirement" proposals usually come with a hefty laundry list of instructions to abide by. Just from my personal...

    Feb 20, 2015
  18. SCookAAM liked coreygeer's post in the thread What Has Your Writing Experience Been Like So Far? Please share.

    I would be homeless if I had to rely on DP for making ends meet. I know there's some great people here but the majority of them are just...

    Feb 20, 2015
  19. Content Maestro liked coreygeer's post in the thread Buying Looking for a High Quality U.S. English Writer.

    Eh, these "client requirement" proposals usually come with a hefty laundry list of instructions to abide by. Just from my personal...

    Feb 20, 2015