Likes Received By cronik

  1. jrbiz liked cronik's post in the thread Happy International Lefthanders Day!.

    Had problems with scissors my whole life. In school, they never seemed to have a pair of left-handed scissors and working on simple...

    Aug 14, 2015
  2. jrbiz liked cronik's post in the thread Happy International Lefthanders Day!.

    I didn't know there was a left-handers day, but that's good to know! I'm left-handed too, but I haven't lived with another left-handed...

    Aug 13, 2015
  3. Paz liked cronik's post in the thread Rules Marketplace feedback.

    Still, you're making it hard for people to sell websites and if you don't intend on purchasing them then you should stay out of it. I...

    Aug 10, 2015
  4. jrbiz liked cronik's post in the thread Rules Marketplace feedback.

    Still, you're making it hard for people to sell websites and if you don't intend on purchasing them then you should stay out of it. I...

    Jul 30, 2015
  5. liked cronik's post in the thread Rules Marketplace feedback.

    Still, you're making it hard for people to sell websites and if you don't intend on purchasing them then you should stay out of it. I...

    Jul 29, 2015
  6. Matthew Sayle liked cronik's post in the thread Suggestion Make a sound for new alerts/messages.

    I like the idea. In the top right of the page they can put a mute icon for those who don't want to hear the alerts?

    Jun 11, 2015
  7. Mkcoy liked cronik's post in the thread Getting traffic to my website.

    There are more ways to promote your site than there have ever been, so traffic should not be an issue. It's how will you make the most...

    Jun 1, 2015
  8. liked cronik's post in the thread I think my site is hacked. Help needed..

    Yeah your site is too huge to be having a problem like that, I am also happy to hear you got it fixed! ;)

    Jun 1, 2015
  9. DuneDreamer liked cronik's post in the thread Selling WordPress Development - Custom Themes, Mods and More.

    Need a custom WP theme or modifications made to your current theme? Contact me! I have been freelancing my web design skills for over 3...

    Feb 14, 2015
  10. jrbiz liked cronik's post in the thread If i want to sell my website, how much does it worth?.

    I have sold many sites in my day, and I have noticed that it's very difficult to get a decent amount of money off of a website with...

    Nov 18, 2014
  11. Boost_Software liked cronik's post in the thread How to attract real Twitter followers?.

    This is why Twitter is ideal for B2B marketing/services. Since I offer web design services to businesses and entrepreneurs, Twitter is...

    Nov 2, 2014
  12. danasurvey liked cronik's post in the thread Sick and tired of Facebook. Any alternatives?.

    Twitter, Linkedin and Google Plus work well for me. I guess it depends on the niche and how hard it is to reach your audience on the...

    Sep 14, 2014
  13. briguy liked cronik's post in the thread Is provinding latest news a spam??.

    Write a unique description of the story and then embed a video of the news if possible, as you don't want visitors to leave your website...

    Sep 14, 2014
  14. Content Maestro liked cronik's post in the thread Who wants to start a forum??.

    Another epic first post.....

    Sep 13, 2014
  15. sarahk liked cronik's post in the thread any free solutions?.

    I can't remember the last time I visited a .tk website, and I am sure that it was something I left immediately. You can get a cheap...

    Sep 12, 2014
  16. Arick unirow liked cronik's post in the thread Is a dropshipping business a good start up?.

    I believe it's a great way to start making money, and you can start by selling on eBay and Amazon before purchasing and building a...

    Sep 9, 2014
  17. sarahk liked cronik's post in the thread Suggestion: Do Away With Religion/Politics Posting.

    And that is why I never read threads about religion or politics....

    Aug 23, 2014