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Likes Received By deathshadow

  1. SoftLink liked deathshadow's post in the thread Grid: how do I right align the labels?.

    I smell of death I reek of hate I will live forever [MEDIA] -- edit -- though this is my favorite version. Ukelele man. Where's Tiny...

    Feb 22, 2024
  2. ketting00 liked deathshadow's post in the thread I need a pure CSS dropdown menu, please.

    Ok, if these are actually going to be modal dialogs, you can lose the checkboxes and labels altogether. The markup would go something...

    Jan 18, 2024
  3. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread Best free tools to start website designing by myself?.

    More importantly what the blue blazes does any of that predatory scam artist BS have to do with being about DESIGN? You know, the topic...

    Dec 8, 2023
  4. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread Blog Images As Third Party Code.

    You're worried about pagespeed insights, and using Blogger... *SIGH* That's like trying to mate a big block crate motor to a 1984 Yugo...

    Nov 25, 2023
  5. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread What’s Your Go-To Design Inspiration for Web Creativity.

    Oddly for me it was some advice from Dan Schulz. A member here who passed away a little over a decade ago. There were two major points...

    Nov 3, 2023
  6. thesaunderschild liked deathshadow's post in the thread Havent watched tv in months.

    I haven't had cable TV in about 15 years. I got sick of there being nothing I wanted to watch, or the endless stream of stuff I'd...

    Oct 16, 2023
  7. Vooler liked deathshadow's post in the thread Am I the only one annoyed at the PHP changes?.

    Many of those changes were not "unnecessary". Take the long dead mysql_ rubbish, where it was global in scope, insecure, had no...

    Aug 18, 2023
  8. Vooler liked deathshadow's post in the thread Filtering input for security.

    THIS! The bigger question is are you using prepare/execute like a good little doobie so that you have auto-sanitization/escaping of...

    Aug 18, 2023
  9. Vooler liked deathshadow's post in the thread problem with update.

    This is 2023 not 1998. You have NO business blindly dumping variables into a query string with no sanitization or safety. Or even with...

    Aug 18, 2023
  10. Numenorean7 liked deathshadow's post in the thread Silly question but....

    Admittedly a pretty low bar.

    Aug 18, 2023
  11. JEET liked deathshadow's post in the thread Website design process and steps..

    Exactly that -- NOT design. Art. What's your responsive plan? How are you handling dynamic/elastic scaling? Are you planning on natural...

    Mar 14, 2023
  12. JEET liked deathshadow's post in the thread Website design process and steps..

    Gonna go a little out of order: Sorry if it came across that way. I've spent the past decade working as an accessibility and efficiency...

    Mar 14, 2023
  13. JEET liked deathshadow's post in the thread Website design process and steps..

    I'd say your strongest points seem to be client relations, and your weakest parts are ACTUAL DESIGN. This is because design-wise...

    Mar 14, 2023
  14. Spoiltdiva liked deathshadow's post in the thread javascript framework.

    That's because I still have no clue what the blazes you even mean by "grid" in this case. I asked if you meant tabular data -- the...

    Mar 7, 2023
  15. aurorazero liked deathshadow's post in the thread Is it good idea not to validate email.

    There is a very basic rule of security so far as HTML goes. NOTHING you do client-side can be trusted. Old UA's might not recognize any...

    Feb 17, 2023
  16. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread quotes around attribute values are optional again.

    Not sure when it happened, but the specification now allows you to leave quotes off of tags. <header id=top> or <link...

    Jan 17, 2023
  17. Sumit_Singh liked deathshadow's post in the thread i need help.

    Site reeks of black hat SEO dirtbaggery. In particular the endless mindless keyword stuffing and redundancy should be triggering the...

    Jan 1, 2023
  18. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread i need help.

    Oh, also reading that article you might want to ease up on the glittering generalities, card stacking, and credibility omissions. Take:...

    Jan 1, 2023
  19. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread i need help.

    Site reeks of black hat SEO dirtbaggery. In particular the endless mindless keyword stuffing and redundancy should be triggering the...

    Jan 1, 2023
  20. sarahk liked deathshadow's post in the thread AdminIntel.com - Please review my site.

    To be fair, probably to avoid echo chamber. It's often of a waste to spend time on asking people you're already reaching. In a "you...

    Dec 14, 2022