Likes Received By freelancewebaz

  1. ryan_uk liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Drupal 8 is coming soon? The White House,, The Economist etc. uses Drupal..

    I've been using Wordpress since 2005 and have never really been happy with it. I like Drupal and Expression Engine a lot better for...

    Dec 20, 2013
  2. EngineerofSuccess liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread More Content = More Traffic.

    I have a license for Dragon already but haven't really used it. Also, the new version of OSX has pretty good speech recognition.

    Dec 1, 2013
  3. EngineerofSuccess liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread More Content = More Traffic.

    I type on the keyboard usually but I did buy a nice microphone to give speech recognition a try.

    Dec 1, 2013
  4. EngineerofSuccess liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread More Content = More Traffic.

    From my experiments it's been more valuable to constantly add content to existing pages than to post more new pages. Pages that I've...

    Nov 30, 2013
  5. matt_62 liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread At What Point Do You Give Up?.

    If you're ready to give up after only one site that didn't work you have a lot of learning to do. I've had more than 30 sites that...

    Nov 15, 2013
  6. Words For You liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Make money with Amazon Affiliate, learn step by step to earn $2.000 monthly.

    This entire thread is full of garbage info and noobs saying "thanks a lot". Why don't you people get out there and build sites instead...

    Aug 29, 2013
  7. NameNetwork liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Do you do any kind of social work?.

    I volunteer as part of a community bicycle collective called the Rusty Spoke. We provide free access to the tools needed to build and...

    Jul 25, 2013
  8. liamwli liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread How long did it take for you to become an established user?.

    I spend several months researching and posting when I was first getting started with IM. Then after a few months I started doing work in...

    Jul 25, 2013
  9. coolraghav liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Why there are more of Ordered items in orders summary and less in shipped?.

    Commissions are shown when items have shipped so if things are pending shipment still you will see them as ordered but not as earnings....

    Jul 9, 2013
  10. ReneGlasow liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread How do you make up for the low cookie period for Amazon products?.

    Rene, you'll get commissions for anything that they buy that's eligible within 24 hours of them clicking your link.

    Nov 19, 2012
  11. wolfmmiii liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread You Suck as an Amazon Affiliate and This is Why.

    On a side note his affiliate blueprint has some brilliant stuff in it. His way of finding products in particular is worth the $14.

    Jun 22, 2012
  12. fwstang liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Amazon Commision?.

    Commissions are only credited to your account upon shipping. If you want to see your commissions faster focus on promoting items that...

    May 28, 2012
  13. sirjorgeofculver liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread amazon payments.

    It's to allow sufficient time for returns and shipping delays. Net 60 is a common payment schedule and something you should get used to...

    Feb 21, 2012
  14. gordano liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Moving a wordpress blog - advice needed.

    I've had nothing but trouble with the instructions that are on the codex. The simplest and most reliable method for moving sites that...

    Feb 20, 2012
  15. roger_inkart liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Coverting a fairly simple website from tables to CSS - worth it for SEO value?.

    I personally would just because I hate using tables for anything other than displaying tabular data although the SEO value from doing...

    Aug 2, 2011
  16. SSC liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Using an old, well linked URL for a new website.

    I switched a proxy site to an adult video site and didn't lose it's PR3 and link juice. That was in 2008 but it should still work the...

    Jul 28, 2011
  17. Trypp liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Dating Forum Posters / Thread Starters Needed - [Good Pay].

    I'm posting on the forums. It's hard to post good stuff though without any members posting to interact with. C'mon people register and...

    Nov 15, 2007
  18. MattUK liked freelancewebaz's post in the thread Internet Marketing Site.

    I really like the design. Ads are well placed and integrated. Content is well written. I bookmarked it, good site.

    Oct 8, 2007