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Likes Received By GeorgeB.
Mia liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread What are you doing right now infront of your PC..
I do that daily.
Jul 15, 2011 -
iatbm liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread I need a PSD Coded XHTML/CSS - $50.
I will need the following design coded into XHTML/CSS (I will provide you the PSDs) Homepage:...
Dec 22, 2009 -
robjones liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Why is Rep Still Anonymous?.
That's probably because you can see everyone who gives you rep :) That one little change of making it not anonymous anymore would...
Oct 30, 2009 -
Helvetii liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Why is Rep Still Anonymous?.
I did use the search feature and read some threads (all the way back to 2005) trying to figure out why but didn't see any clear reasons...
Oct 30, 2009 -
dlm liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Share Your Source of Traffic.
I get traffic from your mom.
Oct 21, 2009 -
gworld liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Obama Approval Rating Falling!.
Well first of all I can admit when I'm wrong. I did a quick google and saw 4-5 million quoted in the descriptions google had and wrote...
Oct 8, 2009 -
EvcRo liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Google Steals the Web - A MUST READ ON SIDEWIKI.
lol instead of leaving negative rep, people can now just go to your website and vandalize it in sidewiki comments. Here are a few...
Oct 2, 2009 -
guerilla liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Have The Republicans Defeated Health Insurance Reform?.
We're all arguing the same thing. Corporate interests on both sides have WAY too much influence in this issue. But I suppose what we...
Oct 2, 2009 -
Mia liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Way to go Rep. Joe Wilson.
Apparently his balls recessed in less than an hour. He issued an apology.
Sep 15, 2009 -
northpointaiki liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Birther Nutbags Drool over Fake Kenyan Obama Birth Certificate..
It's after midnight on the east coast. August 4th 2009. Happy birthday President Obama. :D
Aug 3, 2009 -
robjones liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Does a DMOZ listing in any way affect your google SERPs?.
To quote from a recent PSP commercial... "Hellz Yeah!"
Jul 26, 2009 -
guerilla liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Cheney admits NO LINK between Saddam and 9/11...hey Dick aren't you a little late.
lol you let the neocons take the argument across 2 pages over nuance. We all know what this means. The nation knew as well hence both...
Jun 9, 2009 -
browntwn liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Obama nominates Hispanic judge to Supreme Court.
Zibblu, ironically, the pull yourself up by the bootstraps type person is exactly the person the Republicans are always claiming they...
May 31, 2009 -
metros liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread North Korea says it has successfully conducted a nuclear test..
I don't see a problem here.
May 25, 2009 -
ncz_nate liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Twitter User Community Forums.
I have received payment. Just standing by for site transfer.
Apr 30, 2009 -
calum liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Twitter User Community Forums.
Domain: TwitPlace.com Niche: Twitter Users Community Forum Software: vBulletin + vBSEO Start Bid: $150 BIN: $250 vBSEO License...
Apr 17, 2009 -
Brandon Sheley liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Twitter User Community Forums.
EDIT: Oops sorry, I didn't realize you were offering a lowball offer. The BIN is $250. Please let me know if you meant $250 or whether...
Apr 16, 2009 -
guerilla liked GeorgeB.'s post in the thread Limbaugh's open letter to Obama.
Before anyone stumbles upon this thread and accidentally takes Mr. bogus here at his word about ACORN. 2 things. 1) This is the same...
Feb 23, 2009