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Likes Received By guerilla
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Soldiers' Fourth of July In Iraq.
This is why I like you. ^^^ I can pull similar to Goering from Mein Kampf or Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld's PNAC document. The bottom...
Jul 9, 2008 -
Mia liked guerilla's post in the thread United States Heading towards a Depression?.
Saw this on the Mises Blog. Hon Daddy, might be of interest to you if you will be able to watch it. The People's Republic of...
Jul 9, 2008 -
tarponkeith liked guerilla's post in the thread Looking for simple web layout inspiration!.
I'm a big fan of simplicity when it comes to design. I love light and simple web layouts whenever possible. I'm starting a new...
Jul 5, 2008 -
kentuckyslone liked guerilla's post in the thread Happy Independence Day 2008.
or as Lew Rockwell would say, Happy Overthrow-the-Government Day! On July 4th, we commemorate the overthrow of the government by...
Jul 4, 2008 -
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Eager to Tap Iraq's Oil, Industry Execs Suggested Military Intervention.
Please, please, please do not overlook that poll after poll shows, Iraqis want the coalition forces OUT. The "resistance" for the most...
Jul 3, 2008 -
bogart liked guerilla's post in the thread Singapore Colocation and Asia Colocation Services.
Wow, that's really impressive WT. Are you posting at Web Hosting Talk as well? That's where I usually go to look up hosting companies.
Jul 3, 2008 -
iggysick liked guerilla's post in the thread **100-500 Del.icio.us Submissions** Only $2.50 - $10!! Come get it!.
Do any of these accounts have PR?
Jun 28, 2008 -
felzafndy liked guerilla's post in the thread How do I report sites that are breaking google adsense TOS?.
That's horse puckey. I lost a network of 6 sites last fall and all of the content was unique and well written. F*** google. I think a...
Jun 27, 2008 -
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Googlebombing John McCain.
I think Google Bombing is a flaw in Google's algorithm, not an evil SEO technique.
Jun 26, 2008 -
LeoSeo liked guerilla's post in the thread Change uppercase entries to lowercase.
Guys, I have a MySQL db table with an entire column of names, and unfortunately, they are all capitalized. I'm wondering if there is...
Jun 26, 2008 -
Mia liked guerilla's post in the thread Kucinich Presents Bush Impeachment Articles.
What kind of response is that? It's clear you have been vandalizing Wikipedia by your username Rasputin89, and the edits coinciding...
Jun 24, 2008 -
gauharjk liked guerilla's post in the thread MFA Sites - What were your Results?.
Yes, it is very scary to build MFA sites. If you build them, Google might close your account. But first, they will come to your house...
Jun 24, 2008 -
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Karzai threatens to send Afganistan Army into Pakistan.
You don't want to mess with the tribes in the frontier province. Everyone is armed, even the women. :)
Jun 21, 2008 -
GRIM liked guerilla's post in the thread Kucinich Presents Bush Impeachment Articles.
Because it is the truth? Or is the truth not important? Do you find that posting an opinion without the facts makes for better posts?
Jun 19, 2008 -
lightless liked guerilla's post in the thread PHP Coder REQ'D.
This job has been filled. Thanks.
Jun 18, 2008 -
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Karzai threatens to send Afganistan Army into Pakistan.
You don't even know who the Taliban are or what they are about. It's like your rantings about Vietnam, where millions of innocent...
Jun 16, 2008 -
bogart liked guerilla's post in the thread Looking for simple web layout inspiration!.
I'll rep people up for responses tomorrow. I'm out of rep juice right now. ;) @ Bern - Ok, so where are the suggestions cowboy!?!?...
Jun 15, 2008 -
ncz_nate liked guerilla's post in the thread Looking for simple web layout inspiration!.
I'm a big fan of simplicity when it comes to design. I love light and simple web layouts whenever possible. I'm starting a new...
Jun 11, 2008 -
wisdomtool liked guerilla's post in the thread Olmert to urge U.S. attack on Iran.
Or the latest AIPAC loyalist http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=871464 Obama, selling out America, one dead soldier...
Jun 7, 2008