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Likes Received By infonote
China_girl liked infonote's post in the thread Please review my site.
Site is kaizenlog.com It is a place where I put some information about Malta and notes on my studies. I am gradually adding notes from...
Apr 12, 2011 -
SEOLinker liked infonote's post in the thread I love Affiliate Marketing.
Surf4fun I understund your point however, you assume that the medicine shop's external environment will never change. In many countries...
Apr 20, 2008 -
sat123 liked infonote's post in the thread What are general methods to promote pligg site(like digg,indianpad etc).
True, find a niche. Then promote it by contacting major sites/forums in your niche.
Jan 23, 2008 -
jhn2001 liked infonote's post in the thread 1000+++ impressions daily ????????.
It depends on the competition. It is like you are opening a business and asking how long will it take to beat Microsoft? It depends on...
Jan 21, 2008 -
seojig liked infonote's post in the thread Submitting your website to Digg seems to help you get a top position temporarily.
Digg is an authority site so your link in Digg will be ranked.
Jan 20, 2008 -
KC TAN liked infonote's post in the thread How do you optimise to get more US search traffic on .co.uk domain?.
In Google webmaster tools, there is a feature where you can select location of your site e.g. USA.
Jan 20, 2008 -
Pierce liked infonote's post in the thread This Google Move Concerns Me A Great Deal.
It is a good thing. In this way Spiders will only index single posts. In this way you will avoid duplicate content. For wordpress...
Jul 14, 2007 -
cocoMonkey liked infonote's post in the thread Real Planning and marketing. Advice needed..
- Set a mission and vision statement (Google for more info) - SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppotunities, Threats) internal factors of...
Jul 14, 2007 -
uttoransen liked infonote's post in the thread Help me promote my forum.
Create 2 users and start posting using both users. It will help start a discussion.
Apr 26, 2007 -
n-james liked infonote's post in the thread Daddarte - PR3 Directory - FREE REFULAR LINKS!!!.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare validate_captcha() (previously declared in /home/.matana/minisites/www.daddarte.com/submit.php:199) in...
Apr 20, 2007