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Likes Received By malky66

  1. davilama2682 liked malky66's post in the thread Need Support to Add External Account to Profile.

    You should consider yourself lucky they let you come back at all.

    Sep 24, 2020
  2. JEET liked malky66's post in the thread Paypal Login Issue - Retrieve Amount.

    Nobody knows what the rates will be in 1,2 or any months time.

    Sep 16, 2020
  3. mmerlinn liked malky66's post in the thread Paypal Login Issue - Retrieve Amount.

    Did you forget who you really were or just stupid enough to think you could get away with it? If it keeps people like you out of the...

    Sep 13, 2020
  4. mmerlinn liked malky66's post in the thread Paypal Login Issue - Retrieve Amount.

    There is no "portal" in PayPal that helps you commit fraud. You lied to PayPal when you signed up and now you're expecting them to help...

    Sep 13, 2020
  5. jrbiz liked malky66's post in the thread Coronavirus.

    You're seriously losing the plot with your constant banging on about this fake news bollocks, not everything is about Trump and USA...

    Sep 13, 2020
  6. sarahk liked malky66's post in the thread Paypal Login Issue - Retrieve Amount.

    There is no "portal" in PayPal that helps you commit fraud. You lied to PayPal when you signed up and now you're expecting them to help...

    Sep 13, 2020
  7. Smyrl liked malky66's post in the thread Paypal Login Issue - Retrieve Amount.

    There is no "portal" in PayPal that helps you commit fraud. You lied to PayPal when you signed up and now you're expecting them to help...

    Sep 13, 2020
  8. macstux liked malky66's post in the thread Selling SooProof - Give your website superpowers.

    Does the purchaser get the codecanyon licence for the script to get access to updates, support etc?

    Sep 4, 2020
  9. jrbiz liked malky66's post in the thread Scurvy's Video Diary.

    No, I have a life thanks....I do wonder how you constantly get away with spamming your Youtube channel here though.

    Aug 13, 2020
  10. mmerlinn liked malky66's post in the thread Is 4 levels too much?.

    If people actually built their websites properly in the first place, the so called "SEO profession" (which is just another load of scam...

    Aug 10, 2020
  11. jrbiz liked malky66's post in the thread Is DP being moderated to death?.

    Social media is to blame for the drop in forum popularity, the good old days are well and truly over.

    Aug 1, 2020
  12. me2_me2 liked malky66's post in the thread Contest $20 Design Contest.

    I wonder if there's a forum in the Philippines telling people to sign up here and use clip art and other stolen images and call...

    Jul 31, 2020
  13. getdomain4u liked malky66's post in the thread Contest Logo contest 25$ - end August 8th 2020.

    No you didn't, it's just clipart: https://depositphotos.com/vector-images/cartoon-pig-grill.html?qview=100499176

    Jul 31, 2020
  14. getdomain4u liked malky66's post in the thread Contest $20 Design Contest.

    Again they are not unique images, the tree is from here:...

    Jul 31, 2020
  15. getdomain4u liked malky66's post in the thread Contest $20 Design Contest.

    It's not unique, slapping some stock images together doesn't make you a designer. lol that video's an eye opener....

    Jul 31, 2020
  16. getdomain4u liked malky66's post in the thread Spammers in Design Contest Section.

    Thanks to @sarahk we now know why there's been an influx of new members from the Philippines in the design contests forum:...

    Jul 31, 2020
  17. Spoiltdiva liked malky66's post in the thread Spammers in Design Contest Section.

    Thanks to @sarahk we now know why there's been an influx of new members from the Philippines in the design contests forum:...

    Jul 31, 2020
  18. Stefanov liked malky66's post in the thread Contest $20 Design Contest.

    Again they are not unique images, the tree is from here:...

    Jul 31, 2020
  19. Smyrl liked malky66's post in the thread Contest Logo contest 25$ - end August 8th 2020.

    No you didn't, it's just clipart: https://depositphotos.com/vector-images/cartoon-pig-grill.html?qview=100499176

    Jul 31, 2020
  20. sarahk liked malky66's post in the thread Spammers in Design Contest Section.

    Thanks to @sarahk we now know why there's been an influx of new members from the Philippines in the design contests forum:...

    Jul 31, 2020