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Likes Received By minstrel

  1. zman liked minstrel's post in the thread The biggest fraud on the Internet - DMOZ/ODP.

    Thanks, Alucard. One of the things I appreciate about discussing these issues with you (and hate discussing them with most DMOZ editors)...

    Sep 2, 2005
  2. aeiouy liked minstrel's post in the thread We need a chat room!!!! pze!!!!!!.

    What was it you were afraid was going to happen exactly?

    Aug 30, 2005
  3. Shoemoney liked minstrel's post in the thread We need a chat room!!!! pze!!!!!!.

    What was it you were afraid was going to happen exactly?

    Aug 30, 2005
  4. wrmineo liked minstrel's post in the thread Next PR update?.

    Those major updates happen maybe once or twice a year maximum, and there's no way outside of Google's offices to know when they'll...

    Aug 29, 2005
  5. Blogmaster liked minstrel's post in the thread 40 yr old virgin - hularious!!.

    From the title, I thought this was going to be another thread about Nintendo... :eek:

    Aug 28, 2005
  6. Alucard liked minstrel's post in the thread The biggest fraud on the Internet - DMOZ/ODP.

    Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways. Either the DMOZ editors are a bunch of capitalist thieves or they are a bunch of commies...

    Aug 25, 2005
  7. mcdar liked minstrel's post in the thread GoogleGuyGate.

    We should merge this thread with Mella's Takeaway thread and call it Moo Google Guy Pan.

    Aug 23, 2005
  8. JoeO liked minstrel's post in the thread Googleized.

    Why in my day, EVERYONE was a Googlelite... and we LIKED it :mad: Bullshit. Right after that post, I see this: PR? Text links?...

    Aug 22, 2005
  9. brittanyk liked minstrel's post in the thread Googleized.

    Why in my day, EVERYONE was a Googlelite... and we LIKED it :mad: Bullshit. Right after that post, I see this: PR? Text links?...

    Aug 22, 2005
  10. elkiwi liked minstrel's post in the thread Health Related links Directory - add your site.

    I love the graphic/logo for your directory -- I'm not 100% sure what it has to do with health resources but it's very striking. One...

    Aug 21, 2005
  11. Design Agent liked minstrel's post in the thread Whats after Shadow Hunter.

    So.. what are you saying? You don't like MY jokes? :o

    Aug 19, 2005
  12. Weirfire liked minstrel's post in the thread Whats after Shadow Hunter.

    Oh, there are plenty of "tools" in our government, trust me :eek:

    Aug 19, 2005
  13. blackbug liked minstrel's post in the thread Whats after Shadow Hunter.

    Hell no... :eek: I'll terminate my membership and start a new identity under the witness protection plan before I reach that number...

    Aug 18, 2005
  14. GTech liked minstrel's post in the thread We need a chat room!!!! pze!!!!!!.

    Okay then... how about a pub? with darts and beer wenches? Or some days I'd even settle for a decent chip wagon...

    Aug 18, 2005
  15. Dominic liked minstrel's post in the thread Google not touching Vbulletin.

    Two weeks? That's the blink of an eye in SE terms... If you've applied the SEO mods for vBulletin, just be patient and, as Dominic...

    Aug 16, 2005
  16. joeychgo liked minstrel's post in the thread DMOZ is NOt Open, it is BIASED.

    Yes. And then virtually all interest in DMOZ will vanish.

    Aug 15, 2005
  17. aeiouy liked minstrel's post in the thread Google Adsense in phpBB.

    Yes. It's not my code (see link in my previous post) but I've been using it on my phpBB forum and it works as advertised.

    Aug 15, 2005
  18. Crazy_Rob liked minstrel's post in the thread Google is still the king of engines.

    *yawn* That song is getting awfully old, compar. I think you have a classic case of flogging a dead horse. Google isn't dead. It...

    Aug 14, 2005