Likes Received By procrastinator

  1. The Webmaster liked procrastinator's post in the thread How many Muslims here on DP ?.

    For 'Knowledge' sake - Tipu was in a fairly hindu domain , I haven't come across tipu building any temples , and he was known...

    Jul 15, 2007
  2. vegabond liked procrastinator's post in the thread Need PR 7+ Directories - Could You Give Me Some List?!.

    this would help i guess

    May 29, 2007
  3. kiviniar liked procrastinator's post in the thread Is there a directory submission service to top paid directories ?.

    Well, could be a good idea is some of the top directory owners aviva alive etc etc , come together with a submission package which will...

    May 27, 2007
  4. Blogmaster liked procrastinator's post in the thread Israel - belongs to Jews? your opinion..

    I fully understand and support Israel

    May 24, 2007
  5. jetbrains liked procrastinator's post in the thread PR4 deep links directory-4,120 pages indexd by Google.

    added my directory , good luck with your dir

    May 8, 2007
  6. Qryztufre liked procrastinator's post in the thread Death of Reciprocal Link Exchange?.

    i tend to agree with the above poster, i would also like to add , i sometimes think even those urls which are directly typed in rather...

    May 8, 2007
  7. soju liked procrastinator's post in the thread Half Price Featured and Regular Directory Listings.

    Added , repped , good luck with this directory , always wanted to get in.

    May 8, 2007
  8. exponent liked procrastinator's post in the thread Review my logo, get +rep.

    I liked the simplicity of it , the uppar part red , can be made a little lighter imho

    May 6, 2007
  9. jhnrang liked procrastinator's post in the thread Attn:Pagerankluck offering Deeplinks --39 PR4 categories --48 Hrs special @ Old rate.

    site is down , i hope the offer is good the next time i check :) its a pretty strong pr4 directory with quite a few backlinks

    May 3, 2007
  10. kiviniar liked procrastinator's post in the thread Announcing + - Blog Directory * Discounts $ Freebies.

    added to actors & actresses & X ed on paypal page thanks

    May 2, 2007
  11. pctec liked procrastinator's post in the thread Snoop Directory - 4 day special - Ends Friday night.

    purchased a link for this , paid $6.99 USD though ,it was an empty category

    May 1, 2007
  12. tradester liked procrastinator's post in the thread NEARLY FREE Links Deal-30 Permanent Links for ONLY $2.80.

    Bought one pack ,waiting for approval , good deals from you as always ,added reps.

    May 1, 2007
  13. terryuk liked procrastinator's post in the thread PR5 Directory ~

    added my PR2 IBD in free directories , reps added for the discount offered. good luck

    Apr 30, 2007
  14. iceberg liked procrastinator's post in the thread Submit your directories free to new Directory of Directories.

    added my directories, thanks for keeping it free. awaiting approval , adding reps.

    Apr 30, 2007
  15. Mr_Kumar liked procrastinator's post in the thread Guaranteed Directory Links | 5 Packages | 24 hours report | Deep & Multiple Urls.

    bough the normal listing for , really liked the offer. adding reps , will add itrader after...

    Apr 28, 2007