Likes Received By SoftLink

  1. Efetobor Agbontaen liked SoftLink's post in the thread If not title attribute then what?.

    Turns out there's no replacement. What a shock. I can use CSS: .element:hover:after { content:attr(Click here the delete this...

    Aug 9, 2022
  2. deathshadow liked SoftLink's post in the thread Does anyone use CSS-Grid?.

    It's still too early to use it on a public Website. Most of the most current versions of the main browsers will do it. People haven't...

    Dec 14, 2017
  3. deathshadow liked SoftLink's post in the thread If Then Statement.

    Is 720 the only height? If so, I'd write it like: function do-width-stuff() { fm = document.querySelector("#fmData"); sWidth =...

    Oct 11, 2017
  4. kk5st liked SoftLink's post in the thread What Should i change in Website Design??.

    I'm guessing you're using WordPress? I'm not sure what your objectives are. I saw a message box and then 2 badly positioned messages (I...

    Oct 9, 2017
  5. Blesta.Store liked SoftLink's post in the thread Hi, somebody know hot to create this kind of list? thanks....

    Wow denis-bayly that's pretty eloborate; very kind of you. I wouldn't use tables though. SOON you'll be able to use the new css grid...

    Oct 5, 2017