Likes Received By wptheme

  1. sunilmamo liked wptheme's post in the thread Yahoo shuts down Yahoo Site Explorer.

    i doubt the OP owns searchengineland

    Jul 19, 2011
  2. Mightee liked wptheme's post in the thread Who nornally "Indexs" first, Google or Yahoo?.

    Google first, though I never check Yahoo for obvious reason so I may be wrong :)

    Jul 16, 2011
  3. Digital_shubhi liked wptheme's post in the thread How much time Adsense's clicks needs to be reflected on the account.

    Well I thought they were instantly? as everytime I refresh etc there will be some changes.

    Jun 14, 2011
  4. d_boy liked wptheme's post in the thread Buying Need Video About my site created.

    Hi, I need someone to create a nice intro video about my site that I want to upload at youtube. Please PM with the price and any...

    Jun 6, 2011
  5. indyonline liked wptheme's post in the thread Domain banned, account still open - will I still receive outstanding payments?.

    You are pretty lucky, if I were you I would remove adsense from the offending site immediately while waiting for a response from Google.

    May 30, 2011
  6. newbie191 liked wptheme's post in the thread Official Balance/PIP/PI May 2011.

    Sorry for being ignorant but what is PI? :) I know Payment in Progress.

    May 25, 2011
  7. secretdesign liked wptheme's post in the thread Official Balance/PIP/PI May 2011.

    Thanks rep+, the difference is? How do one check it properly? I thought by looking at the Adsense report

    May 25, 2011
  8. SabTech liked wptheme's post in the thread Contest Free Style Logo Contest by

    Hi everyone, If I am not wrong,this is my first time making a contest here on DP. Now I am starting a new Website Logo and I am going to...

    May 24, 2011
  9. Big0ne liked wptheme's post in the thread Selling - 1st in Google - Over 1800 Visitors Daily.

    Avoid thrashing people's thread. Its up to the owner to post how much he wants for his sites. The site is coded well, unique, and has...

    May 20, 2011
  10. SSC liked wptheme's post in the thread My Wordpress blog keeps on reposting the past posts.

    Oh, its a feature in a plugin. Got it fixed. Figured out myself, the WP community suggested me to disable and rechecked the plugins...

    May 15, 2011
  11. thepunk liked wptheme's post in the thread Buying I want me site to be no 1 in Google..

    Hi, Want my site to rank first on rather than the current 3rd place. The site and keyword is cinta PM me if you can do...

    May 12, 2011
  12. RandomWoman liked wptheme's post in the thread Selling BIGGEST Visitor From Google | Have sitelink | and Big Proffit | UV 20k-30k/day.

    Any revenue? Also just a question, if you are using wprobot doesn't it mean that you don't really need to spend the time to post etc?...

    May 10, 2011
  13. Rebecca liked wptheme's post in the thread Buying I want me site to be no 1 in Google..

    Hi, Want my site to rank first on rather than the current 3rd place. The site and keyword is cinta PM me if you can do...

    May 8, 2011
  14. digital_irfan liked wptheme's post in the thread How do you promote your business with FB?.

    Like if for your fan page, a group is different as people instead of liking it as to join it to enter the group discussion. By...

    May 6, 2011
  15. sar420 liked wptheme's post in the thread Bing is really similar to Google - suggest what is needed for BING.

    Have you tested Bing's video search? Its much better than Google in terms of fast preview. Really cool :)

    Apr 26, 2011
  16. Mightee liked wptheme's post in the thread Why suddenly Page rank 2 Education Website Invisible.

    As others have said, you probably got deindexed, try to login to your webmaster account and see if there is any problem and contact...

    Apr 21, 2011