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    Did Matt Cutts Just Call Himself A Link Spammer?

    by rustybrick
    Nov 15, 2013
    Yesterday I reported that Google says using keyword rich user names in comments can be considered spammy and against Google's policies...

    Why Visual Assets > Infographics - Whiteboard Friday

    Nov 14, 2013
    The marketing industry seems to have a love-hate relationship with infographics. When they're really done well, they can be effective ways of conveying a lot of complex information in a way that's easier to digest. The problem is that relatively few of today's infographics are really done well, and many are simply created for shallow SEO benefit.

    In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks...

    Court Finds Google’s Book Scanning Is Fair Use: Highlights From The Ruling

    by dannysullivan
    Nov 14, 2013
    Nearly ten years after it began and eight years after Google was sued over it, Google’s program that scans books in order to make them searchable has been found legal. A judge found fair use, especially in that “Google Books does not supersede or supplant books because it is not a tool to be used to read books.”

    The ruling by Judge Denny Chin found that the Authors Guild’s claims that Google was massively infringing the copyright of books didn’t hold up. Below, some of the key highlights...

    Google's Matt Cutts: Using Keyword Rich Words As Your Comment Name Can Be Spam

    by rustybrick
    Nov 14, 2013
    As someone who manages a content site with comments, there are things that bother me with some comments I get here. I dislike it when I see comments from people but they use their company name and/or keyword rich anchor text...

    Why Facebook shouldn’t try to buy all the things

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Nov 13, 2013
    Last month I posted a theory on how Facebook might get taken down by competitors. From Taking down Facebook, piece by piece:

    Facebook is in a classic position where, as a dominant provider of horizontal social services, it is in danger of being taken down piece by piece by several vertical players who provide specific, narrow experiences very well. Facebook has become a social media firehose. It won’t be replaced by another firehose, but by a bunch of different cocktails that users can...

    Are all comments with links spam?

    Nov 13, 2013
    Google's Webmaster Guidelines discourage forum signature links but what about links from comments? Is link building by commenting against Google...

    Google Offering Free Online Site Reviews This Monday

    by rustybrick
    Nov 13, 2013
    John Mueller announced on Google+ that Google will be offering short site reviews for webmasters this coming Monday, November 18th at 10am EDT...

    Creating a SEO strategy (with Webmaster Tools!)

    Nov 12, 2013
    Maile Ohye describes how to create a holistic SEO strategy inclusive of all your company's online channels (website, blog, social media channels)....

    How Google Might Use the Context of Links to Identify Link Spam

    by Bill Slawski
    Nov 12, 2013
    With Google’s Penguin update, it appears that the search engine has been paying significantly more attention to link spam as attempts to manipulate links and anchor text to a page. The Penguin Update was launched at Google on April 24th, 2012, and...

    The Guardian’s bogus claim about money, long commutes, and life satisfaction

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Nov 12, 2013
    Whenever I see an article that cites academic research in an oversimplified, generic way, one of my hobbies is to dig into the source papers to see if those glib statements are accurate1. For example, here’s a journey through an article that states that we supposedly get approximately the same type of pleasure from talking about ourselves on social media as we do from having sex.

    Having said that, naturally this paragraph from The Guardian’s The secrets of the world’s happiest cities...