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Industry News

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    Don’t let user experience design methods die

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Feb 23, 2013
    Des Traynor did a great interview with Ryan Singer, Product Manager at 37signals. I’m a huge fan of Ryan’s, and I agree with most of what he says in the interview. But there’s one part I’d like to challenge a bit.

    Answering the question “Did you ever consider techniques like personas or user journeys, or any of those UX design methods?” Ryan says, “That stuff is all terrible”. He then obliterates the use of personas before going into a bit more detail a couple of questions later:


    Design process: capturing and sharing sketches

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Feb 23, 2013
    Here’s some great advice from Joshua Porter: when you’re in a design meeting (or any other meeting, for that matter), Always be capturing:

    “Always be capturing” is about the habit of continuously recording the value from your conversation. For example: If you’re talking about a new concept, you should be sketching it as you talk so your team has a shared understanding and an artifact of the conversation.

    Joshua gives some great tips, including taking photos of your sketches and...

    The Traditional News Agency is Dead (On Google News)

    by Bill Slawski
    Feb 22, 2013
    Neither The Nation or Computerworld should write about patents. Period. Never. In the past couple of days Computerworld posted a “breaking news” story about the publication of a Google patent application from 9 months ago (not breaking news). The Nation wrote a followup story on Computerworld‘s story, and made the same mistake.

    Both saw [...]

    The post The Traditional News Agency is Dead (On Google News) appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    Why Remarketing? - Whiteboard Friday

    Feb 21, 2013
    No matter what type of product you're offering, how your sales cycle flows, or what the industry you're in looks like, there are a many different ways that you can leverage remarketing to target your audience.

    In today's Whiteboard Friday, Brian Rauschenbach and Nora Park share their tips and tactics for remarketing success so that you can turn those visits into conversions!

    Have you had remarketing success? Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


    Google Rarely Updates The Penguin Algorithm

    by rustybrick
    Feb 21, 2013
    It has almost been five months since the last Penguin refresh and no updates to the Penguin algorithm are in sight.
    In fact, I reported yesterday at Search Engine Land that No, Google Hasnât Released Unannounced Penguin Updates. Why did I have to report that? Couple reasons...

    Using personas for more effective client work

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Feb 20, 2013
    In my latest article for Smashing Magazine I discuss How To Sell Your UX Design Solution To Clients:

    How do you convince clients to trust you with their valuable and much-loved product? In my experience, the best way to sell work to clients is to apply user-centered design not only to the work we produce, but also to the clients who commission that work.

    We have to understand who our clients are, what is important to them and what their goals are. And then we have to deliver work...

    Choose work based on impact, not profit

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Feb 20, 2013
    Jason Cavnar wrote a great piece for VentureBeat called Why developers should start choosing conscience over profit. He urges us to be Makers, not Takers:

    Makers choose their work based on impact and happiness. They recognize the truths in the work of people like Daniel Pink and Simon Sinek — that income does not generate happiness or enjoyment, nor alleviate sadness or stress. They concern themselves with doing work that is important. With thinking about what moves society forward. With...

    Google Panda #25 Coming Today? Not Sure.

    by rustybrick
    Feb 20, 2013
    An ongoing WebmasterWorld thread has some chatter around an increase in GoogleBot crawl activity as well as some early ranking fluctuations. That and we are just about the 30 day mark from the previous Google Panda update, Panda #25, we are suspecting a Panda update is about to be hitting

    Want Google Glass & Live In The U.S. & Have Money? Here Is Your Chance

    by rustybrick
    Feb 20, 2013
    Google announced on Google+ they are expanding their Google Glass Explorer program, the program where people like you and me can potentially get our hands on a Google Glass. There are some conditions.

    (1) You need to be in the U.S.
    (2) You need to pay $1...

    Using Search Queries to improve your site

    Feb 20, 2013
    Learn how to use the Search Queries feature in Google Webmaster Tools to make improvements to your site. googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Have a...