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    Google Granted Patent on Google Maps in Web Search Results

    by Bill Slawski
    Jan 22, 2013
    Google’s patents have provided a great number of hints over the past 10 years about local search and how Google treats businesses and landmarks in Maps and Web results and elsewhere. I’ve been fortunate enough to have uncovered some of these patents and written about many of the algorithms and approaches that Google has used, [...]

    The post Google Granted Patent on Google Maps in Web Search Results appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    Bing Tags Expands, Makes Pages Linked To Your Profile Public

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 22, 2013
    Search engines continue to go old school, encouraging people to “tag” content in a way that makes it feel like it’s 1999 all over again. Today, Bing makes another push in that direction, making content you tag with “Bing Tags” more visibile.

    Honestly, I feel like this tagging crazy is simply Google and Bing falling down on the job. It used to be that we praised search engines for moving away from the tagging that was popular with them in the mid-to-late 1990s. That’s because they were...

    The Power Of Headlines: The LA Times Gets It Right With Their Piece On The Inauguration

    Vanessa Fox
    by Vanessa Fox
    Jan 21, 2013
    Journalists call them headlines; SEOs call them titles and headings. Whatever you call them, they’re the words that tell someone that your article is what they want to read. Look at Google News any day of the week for examples of headlines that give you absolutely no idea what the article might be about. Search engines don’t know what to rank them for; users don’t know whether to click.

    One trend I watch is that of searchers asking what time things start. For any event, you can be sure that...

    Not Provided To Increase With Chrome 25 Going SSL

    by rustybrick
    Jan 21, 2013
    Like Firefox 14 and Mobile Safari, Google is taking Chrome - their popular web browser, the SSL route by securing searches done within Chrome's omnibox.

    The default behavior of searches done within Chrome will become secure and done over SSL...

    Will [Not Provided] Ever Reach 100% In Web Analytics?

    Vanessa Fox
    by Vanessa Fox
    Jan 18, 2013
    With the news today that Chrome is moving to secure search, marketers may be wondering about the larger picture of using search data in Web analytics.

    The searches people do that lead them to a site is valuable data to an organization. What other data source do we have that gives us direct access to our customers’ wants and needs? Sure, we can ask them, but customers can lie. Or choose not to answer. By looking at exactly what visitors have searched for, we can learn a lot about who our...

    Ever Wanted To Be Siri? Apple Seeks A Writer

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 17, 2013
    By now, everyone’s used to Siri’s wit. Tell her you love her, and Apple’s Siri digital assistant may respond that all you need is love — and an iPhone. Or that it will never work out. And she’s got jokes for a variety of other queries.

    But who’s the woman behind Siri? Or the man? Or the team? Because there are people, and Apple’s hiring someone.

    Spotted via Zach Seward, Apple’s apparently seeking a “Siri Writer.” From the post on LinkedIn: We’re looking for a uniquely creative individual...

    Updated: Stronger Reports Of A Google Update

    by rustybrick
    Jan 17, 2013
    Monday I reported some weaker signs of a Google update but things settled down a bit but is now spiking higher this morning.

    The WebmasterWorld thread sparked up again with a lot more feedback and chatter from webmasters about Google changes...

    What’s Your Google Viral Score?

    by Bill Slawski
    Jan 16, 2013
    Will Google Plus show advertisements one day? If they do, how will they decide upon the ads to show different users of the social network? A 2010 paper, AdHeat: An Influence-based Diffusion Model for Propagating Hints to Match Ads (PDF), described one method of advertising on a social network that was actually tested on Google’s [...]

    The post What’s Your Google Viral Score? appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    Sneaky Footer Links and Other Footer Abuses That Google Dislikes

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jan 16, 2013
    In my '18 SEO Killers' article from the end of last year, I mentioned footer links as a potential SEO problem. I know this confused many people because I didn't explain what I meant by them. This article takes an in-depth look at footer abuses.

    Advanced SEO Forum Thread of the Week

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jan 16, 2013
    Is It Okay to Use Subdomains Rather Than Directories?