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Likes Received By kk5st

  1. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Do I need HTML5 ?.

    Do keep in mind that HTML 5 has only recently become a candidate for release (Aug 2013). Why isn't it the current specification? Simple,...

    Oct 21, 2013
  2. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Web 2.0 look ?.

    Thank you. The problem is, at base, that it is difficult to be kind when the initial premise is false. There is no easy way to say your...

    Oct 21, 2013
  3. kingofking liked kk5st's post in the thread Parts of site failed to load....

    The thing is, I know which addons I'm running. I know, too, that sometimes they might interfere with one thing or another. BUT I'm not...

    Oct 17, 2013
  4. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Dreamweaver fluid grid divs help when styling & designing.

    No, not targeting Adobe in particular. We, and I'm including ds, are harsh on DW because it is passed off as a professional quality tool...

    Oct 12, 2013
  5. malky66 liked kk5st's post in the thread Dreamweaver fluid grid divs help when styling & designing.

    No, not targeting Adobe in particular. We, and I'm including ds, are harsh on DW because it is passed off as a professional quality tool...

    Oct 11, 2013
  6. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Dreamweaver fluid grid divs help when styling & designing.

    That's because you haven't taught yourself how box sizing works. The default sizing for no explicit width is to fill the available...

    Oct 10, 2013
  7. deathshadow liked kk5st's post in the thread Dreamweaver fluid grid divs help when styling & designing.

    That's because you haven't taught yourself how box sizing works. The default sizing for no explicit width is to fill the available...

    Oct 10, 2013
  8. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Resposive web design.

    Irrelevant. Reading comprehension does not imply nor require conversational skills. You speak without foundation of fact. I am neither...

    Oct 8, 2013
  9. wiicker95 liked kk5st's post in the thread How to set website homepage on browser automatically.

    It's not often that I am more brusque than ds, but … It's not your browser, it belongs to your visitor. Keep your damned hands off it.

    Sep 24, 2013
  10. GMF liked kk5st's post in the thread How to set website homepage on browser automatically.

    It's not often that I am more brusque than ds, but … It's not your browser, it belongs to your visitor. Keep your damned hands off it.

    Sep 24, 2013
  11. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Anyone know how to solve this iframe problem?.

    And how does that help your visitors running Firefox?

    Sep 22, 2013
  12. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread Resposive web design.

    That is about as asinine a comment as can be made. It brings nothing to the table. Further, it is insulting to a forum member who is...

    Sep 21, 2013
  13. dwirch liked kk5st's post in the thread Need Some CSS.

    @HuggyStudios: deathshadow is indeed rude crude and uncouth. He is seldom wrong*, though. You did not offer a suggestion to switch from...

    Aug 26, 2013
  14. sarahk liked kk5st's post in the thread Need Some CSS.

    @HuggyStudios: deathshadow is indeed rude crude and uncouth. He is seldom wrong*, though. You did not offer a suggestion to switch from...

    Aug 7, 2013
  15. deathshadow liked kk5st's post in the thread Various Design Questions.

    As ekim941 says, much is purely personal prejudice, though he didn't say it in nearly as poetic a way. ;-) That's a tough call, and...

    Jul 29, 2013
  16. deathshadow liked kk5st's post in the thread Need Help With CSS and HTML Centering My NavBar.

    You are aware, are you not, that the align attribute has been deprecated since 1998?

    Jul 29, 2013
  17. malky66 liked kk5st's post in the thread How Can I Block This Code.

    If it's free, it would be unethical to block their ads. You don't want ads? Pay for the hosting.

    Jul 28, 2013
  18. sarahk liked kk5st's post in the thread Navigation menu problem with bootstrap.

    Forget the 'less' crap. Put the values you want in your css stylesheet. Why ever would you want to screw around with some preprocessor...

    Jul 27, 2013
  19. ryan_uk liked kk5st's post in the thread CSS + HTML - Having trouble with a simple concept - Web Layout.

    Both take something that is simple, straightforward, and compact and turn it into a complex, bloated pile of manure all in the name of...

    Jul 26, 2013
  20. deathshadow liked kk5st's post in the thread Navigation menu problem with bootstrap.

    Forget the 'less' crap. Put the values you want in your css stylesheet. Why ever would you want to screw around with some preprocessor...

    Jul 26, 2013