Likes Received By mcfox

  1. Cristian Mezei liked mcfox's post in the thread anchor text.

    It doesn't matter what people will click on or what they don't click on when it comes to the kind of anchor text you are referring to....

    Sep 28, 2005
  2. GTech liked mcfox's post in the thread Stupid, stupid domain prices being asked for ....

    What makes some people think that anyone will pay any of the dumb prices that are being asked for domain names? A quality domain name...

    Sep 27, 2005
  3. solaris125 liked mcfox's post in the thread BAM! My motor is out of Motivation Fuel?.

    Best thing you can do is walk away from the computer for a few days. Rest. Relax. Take a little break. Ease back on the throttle and...

    Sep 25, 2005
  4. TheHoff liked mcfox's post in the thread Stupid, stupid domain prices being asked for ....

    Heh. Yeah, I saw the humour. :D I wish I had a time warp machine to go back and buy up some prime domain real estate :cool:

    Sep 22, 2005
  5. yfs1 liked mcfox's post in the thread 18th million 4 adsense cheater(s).

    Have you tried it?

    Sep 21, 2005
  6. Hodgedup liked mcfox's post in the thread Buying Expired Domains from Godaddy.

    Depends where they were reg'd in the first place. GoDaddy has set up to deal with their expiring domains so that's the...

    Sep 18, 2005
  7. Henny liked mcfox's post in the thread Buying Expired Domains from Godaddy.

    It can really take 45 days. They say on that the period is reduced to two weeks if the domain isn't likely to be renewed. The...

    Sep 18, 2005
  8. Smyrl liked mcfox's post in the thread Backordering Domain Names.

    Only up to a point. The place you really need to go is, which is where the GoDaddy expiring domains drop. You will see...

    Sep 17, 2005
  9. yfs1 liked mcfox's post in the thread You've got to admire my bravery.

    Why not email their IT dept. and ask for a job?

    Sep 17, 2005
  10. Weirfire liked mcfox's post in the thread Cure my OCD!!.

    You smoke the pillow? :eek: At least it's only two draws. You should give up. Wear a pillow-patch or something. :D

    Sep 15, 2005
  11. joeychgo liked mcfox's post in the thread Backordering Domain Names.

    No worries. :) Careful if you decide to join -- it's as addictive as eBay. ;)

    Sep 14, 2005
  12. nevetS liked mcfox's post in the thread Backordering Domain Names.

    Only up to a point. The place you really need to go is, which is where the GoDaddy expiring domains drop. You will see...

    Sep 14, 2005
  13. MattL liked mcfox's post in the thread What to do about stolen images?.

    If they're hotlinking to the image, change it to also include "Stolen FROM", or even better, "CLICK THESE ADS!" Better make sure none...

    Sep 14, 2005
  14. Design Agent liked mcfox's post in the thread Costa Dedes.

    Heh. I'm fairly certain the protocol is not to ask but simply deliver. :cool: <edited to add>Man, would you believe I got red repped...

    Sep 14, 2005
  15. ViciousSummer liked mcfox's post in the thread 18th million 4 adsense cheater(s).

    Ninno - try this: Title: Costa Money Description: Money from Adsense No skill or content needed

    Sep 13, 2005
  16. minstrel liked mcfox's post in the thread Best SEO book?.

    Yep, Aaron's SEO Book. Yes, I've read it and it is good at sorting out the crap from the fact. That's what takes the time to learn...

    Sep 11, 2005
  17. Ajeet liked mcfox's post in the thread Includes driving me nuts, please help.

    I may be wrong here but at a glance I'd say your code should read: <!-- #include virtual="headerfile.htm" --> Note the spacing...

    Sep 5, 2005