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    y u no do it?

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Likes Received By mcfox

  1. Smyrl liked mcfox's post in the thread WTF??? Banned from Adsense.

    No, because it gets flagged, investigated and shown up for what it is. Why should they? Anything that is against the TOS generates...

    Jul 4, 2005
  2. Dirkjan liked mcfox's post in the thread I've been destroyed by google.

    I think cricket sucks. Just so you know how painful it was for me to look. It seems to me that the problem you have rests in the way...

    Jun 21, 2005
  3. alang liked mcfox's post in the thread Whats the different between .htm and .html.

    Yeah, .htm is a throwback to the days when a file extension was limited to three characters due to the way M$ dos operating system...

    Jun 18, 2005
  4. wendydettmer liked mcfox's post in the thread Anyone received mail like this? Request to click ads.

    Much as I'm enjoying the debate about why it's correct to report such Adsense infringements, or not, depending on your viewpoint; has...

    Jun 17, 2005
  5. schlottke liked mcfox's post in the thread Free PDF Cheat sheets - PHP, CSS, Mod_rewrite.

    ILoveJackDaniels, a regular contributor and also moderator on Cre8asite Forums has kindly created free PDF cheat sheets for PHP, CSS and...

    May 26, 2005
  6. ViciousSummer liked mcfox's post in the thread Blogger Comments.

    Ah, got it. Man, I amaze myself sometimes. In your Blogger profile, accessible from the dashboard, the entry; "Display Name" can be...

    May 23, 2005
  7. Epica liked mcfox's post in the thread My basic Search Engine Optimization Guide.

    I'll be honest, AzAkers; I hate really small text and in Firefox and also Opera, that's the text size I was looking at, so I didn't...

    May 22, 2005
  8. classifieds liked mcfox's post in the thread Free PDF Cheat sheets - PHP, CSS, Mod_rewrite.

    ILoveJackDaniels, a regular contributor and also moderator on Cre8asite Forums has kindly created free PDF cheat sheets for PHP, CSS and...

    May 22, 2005
  9. Weirfire liked mcfox's post in the thread Viscious Panties.

    lmao! What an advertisment for the product, too. I wonder if they will need to carry a warning? "Prolonged use may lead to public...

    May 20, 2005
  10. dct liked mcfox's post in the thread $5 for logo design.

    $5 Australian ? That works out at £2.04 in UK pounds. The minimum wage here is about £4.50, so that means to earn minimum hourly...

    May 1, 2005
  11. Smyrl liked mcfox's post in the thread $5 for logo design.

    $5 Australian ? That works out at £2.04 in UK pounds. The minimum wage here is about £4.50, so that means to earn minimum hourly...

    May 1, 2005
  12. nevetS liked mcfox's post in the thread $5 for logo design.

    $5 Australian ? That works out at £2.04 in UK pounds. The minimum wage here is about £4.50, so that means to earn minimum hourly...

    May 1, 2005
  13. Design Agent liked mcfox's post in the thread AdSense fraud - enough is enough!.

    Correct. The problem is a lot of kids manage to wriggle their way into an Adsense account with the help of a parent, guardian or legally...

    Apr 18, 2005
  14. minstrel liked mcfox's post in the thread what is blue reputation.

    Can I join and get lots of green reps?

    Apr 9, 2005
  15. Epica liked mcfox's post in the thread Am I sandboxed - Will I be sandboxed - best guesses welcome.

    Sandboxed or not - it doesn't really matter. The whole search engine game is a long race and you should be looking to more than Google...

    Apr 1, 2005