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Likes Received By mdvaldosta

  1. Jester liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Definition of being sandboxed?.

    allinanchor searches are the best way to tell. if your allinanchor outranks your regular search by alot, than your most likely...

    Mar 13, 2006
  2. mystikmedia liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread How much does it take a well established directory to....

    If you spend $1,000 and build a high PR (like 6+) directory you can make some money if you keep it low density and have all your pages...

    Mar 13, 2006
  3. Colleen liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Free Website Directory.

    It was meant to be funny, hey at least someone read the rules though right :D It's a free directory, what'd you expect :eek: Now I...

    Mar 12, 2006
  4. Jat liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Free Website Directory.

    Over 6,000 submissions reviewed since opening, and over 4,500 links have been listed - submit your url if you haven't already. About...

    Mar 11, 2006
  5. petertdavis liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread My experiment with DMOZ.

    Lol, every site submitted to the DMOZ is an experiment.

    Mar 10, 2006
  6. Blogmaster liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread True Muslims???.

    Bullshit, it's not interpreted that way. Now, before I get on my horse... not ALL Muslims are bad - therefore I don't hate Muslims....

    Mar 10, 2006
  7. onedollar liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Shoutwire - like Digg but not exclusively tech..

    Im not affiliated in anyway, someone posted a link to Shoutwire in a Digg thread, and felt it needed it's own place. Digg is great...

    Mar 9, 2006
  8. mjewel liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread H1 Tag - Have I Done This Wrong, (cheak my site ).

    And don't discount MSN either, I've got one site their sending 8k uniques /mo and another 5k. And, dude, if you're not going to use...

    Mar 8, 2006
  9. wrmineo liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread What is the best way to deal with this?.

    Well, if your having those kinds of problems - the best thing to do is get their name out in the open so nobody else gets ripped. Then,...

    Mar 5, 2006
  10. yfs1 liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Dookie > Paypal & eBay.

    Lol, yea one would assume it's fake based on the price and PR... but the dude did have over a hundred feedbacks and had a 100% rating......

    Mar 1, 2006
  11. DomainMagnate liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread post your search engine referral stats here!.

    From a random site.. coming out of the sandbox :D

    Feb 28, 2006
  12. mcfox liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Supreme Court Rejects Googles Withholding Info.

    That's utter BS. The US Government doesn't shut down anyone from speaking their mind... unless it infringes on the rights of others.

    Feb 26, 2006
  13. rickbender1940 liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread DMOZ Submission Spamming.

    Just get over the DMOZ... nothing you say will affect anything they do over there. Worry about developing your site and building links...

    Feb 26, 2006
  14. maldives liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Why does msn like my site?.

    What you see in MSN will usually be a sign of things to come on Google... as MSN doesn't filter the age of backlinks like G does.

    Feb 26, 2006
  15. avik liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Free Directory.

    Submitted a few, best of luck.

    Feb 21, 2006
  16. NetMidWest liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread PageRank/Back Link Update (2/18/2006).

    I think G's got some problems... hell it can't even get it's own current PR right... why the heck would they do another update when they...

    Feb 19, 2006
  17. Seiya liked mdvaldosta's post in the thread Lessons learned in latest PR update.

    It's been noted that the toolbar hasn't updated, and the DC's "new" PR values are sketchy at best and in many cases don't make sense.

    Feb 19, 2006