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Likes Received By Nonny

  1. lpstong liked Nonny's post in the thread How do I copyright my website?.

    In the US there is no requirement that you use the (c) symbol at all, since the content is copyrighted as soon as it is created. However...

    Feb 9, 2008
  2. theo-zzzz liked Nonny's post in the thread how can 'my space' be a trademark?.

    Your problem is that MySpace is trademarked and there is likely to be confusion between "my space" and MySpace*. As long as there is...

    Jul 6, 2007
  3. Colbyt liked Nonny's post in the thread It's illegal in the US to require any type of minimum price???.

    Actually the US Supreme Court just ruled on a case that has to do with minimum price fixing. The ruling in Leegin Creative Leather...

    Jul 6, 2007
  4. CountryBoy liked Nonny's post in the thread 12 U.S. laws Every Blogger, Forum Owner and Webmaster Needs to Know.

    This is an excellent post at Aviva Directory that covers a number of aspects of U.S. law that come up in this forum again and again (the...

    May 5, 2007
  5. 8everything liked Nonny's post in the thread Copyrighting fan art?.

    Just to add to what mjewel said, what you are proposing is making a derivative work. Here is what the U.S. Copyright office has to say:...

    Mar 6, 2007
  6. Reprobate liked Nonny's post in the thread Rich Jerk wants to Sue me!.

    In this case "famous" is a legal term to describe the status of a trademark. Having a "famous mark" allows the trademark owner to get an...

    Feb 27, 2007
  7. jacobbannier liked Nonny's post in the thread making a rap music site.

    It would be legal if you have a license to play the music from the copyright holders. You can license music played over the internet...

    Feb 17, 2007
  8. Lever liked Nonny's post in the thread How Legall are "SUCKS" sites???.

    That domain name makes me think you don't like cognac ;) Just to chime in with everyone else: you probably can use a trademarked...

    Feb 14, 2007
  9. jhmattern liked Nonny's post in the thread Who owns the copyright to the webcopy-- client or copywriter?.

    This is what the US Copyright office says about "work made for hire" http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ9.html Note the need for a...

    Jan 26, 2007
  10. MTbiker liked Nonny's post in the thread Copyright your content with 32 Cents.

    Unfortunately your teacher is totally incorrect - this is just an urban legend. This method of "proving" copyright has never been...

    Jan 23, 2007
  11. surfnearnzone liked Nonny's post in the thread I am not sure about this.

    IANAL, so I can't really comment on your business idea directly, but you probably should read what the FTC has to say. First read...

    Jan 23, 2007
  12. nevetS liked Nonny's post in the thread Patent Length.

    http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/doc/general/index.html#nature The date that the patent application was filed is stated in the...

    Jan 4, 2007
  13. kdb003 liked Nonny's post in the thread Recipe Books.

    Here is information from the U.S. Copyright office about recipes: http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl122.html...

    Jan 2, 2007
  14. devin liked Nonny's post in the thread Is my work automatically copyrighted?.

    That's tricky. I believe that renewal hasn't been required since 1964, so that would only apply to earlier publications. Current works...

    Oct 26, 2006
  15. fsmedia liked Nonny's post in the thread Is my work automatically copyrighted?.

    letters is right, if you are in the US. This is what the US Copyright office has to say:...

    Oct 25, 2006
  16. jackburton2006 liked Nonny's post in the thread young google adsense webmasters are they alloud?.

    How are you not understanding this? It is not just to "cover their ass". Google didn't arbitrarily choose the number 18. If you are...

    Oct 5, 2006
  17. jjwill liked Nonny's post in the thread Shocking revelations. DMOZ editors contradictions and snug methods..

    Plantation; I'm a little confused as to what the "shock" is here. It sounds like DMOZ editors are discouraged from adding links just...

    Sep 21, 2006
  18. formula liked Nonny's post in the thread Help Google dropped my site completely from their index.

    We must be searching via different datacenters, because your site is there for me :)

    Sep 21, 2006
  19. FFMG liked Nonny's post in the thread MySpace Bulletin, what is it?.

    FWIW here is my 2 cents: Your target customer is probably not the stereotypical Myspacer - a teenager that spends all his/her time...

    Sep 19, 2006