Likes Received By PoPSiCLe

  1. Vooler liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread [ HELP ]How to download picture.

    The owner of the webpage is only fucking with accessibilty, and using very easily circumvented "protection" which is only useful for...

    Jun 12, 2016
  2. KewL liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Hyperlink? Question..

    The "smart way" is to set up a local server on your machine, for development. That way you can create the exact same file-structure on...

    Jun 12, 2016
  3. Vooler liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Ad from mysql to php.

    That being said, you should really stop using mysql_ The function is deprecated, full of security holes, and should have been...

    Jun 12, 2016
  4. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread I can't delete double blank.

    Or just use trim() around the variable, preferably before you put it into your database. Don't try to fix data already in the database,...

    Jun 11, 2016
  5. sundaybrew liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Own nameservers.

    Well, this helps if you use GoDaddy... but it doesn't say ANYTHING about making your own DNS, not to mention running it. All it tells...

    Jun 10, 2016
  6. sundaybrew liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Need help on my website.

    Then you need to contact hostgator. You should have received an email with login-information when you set up Wordpress. BEsides, your...

    Jun 9, 2016
  7. sundaybrew liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread BEWARE OF SCAMER.

    Design and code a website. For $200. *shakes head* regardless, this does not belong in this category.

    Jun 8, 2016
  8. deathshadow liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Website page load help - minifying javascript & css.

    The problem is that all the plugins and themes in WordPress load their own scripts. This is a problem which is hard to mitigate without...

    Jun 7, 2016
  9. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Upload file in a mistake folder.

    Well, first of, you never echo the $mensaje-variable, hence you won't see anything. However, you should never assume anything - never...

    Jun 2, 2016
  10. deathshadow liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread [Expert in One Year] Week #0 - Introduction.

    Are you retarded? That is not a webpage design - it's a Photoshop file. Yes, I'm aware that quite a few of the retarded idiots calling...

    Jun 2, 2016
  11. sundaybrew liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Suggestion How About We Loose The Gradient and Go Pastel?.

    This falls under the "what's the point"-concept. This isn't a design-page, where everything rests on how the public receives the name /...

    May 31, 2016
  12. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Rules Do I get in trouble if I bring back to life an old thread?.

    Which again goes to the point of locking old threads after X amount of no activity. Especially if the OP is banned. It would also...

    May 30, 2016
  13. deathshadow liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread What is difference between html and html5?.

    Congratulations. You've managed to find an explanation for something nobody asked about

    May 28, 2016
  14. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Suggestion How About We Loose The Gradient and Go Pastel?.

    This falls under the "what's the point"-concept. This isn't a design-page, where everything rests on how the public receives the name /...

    May 27, 2016
  15. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Looking to Co-Create a Website Designed by the Coding Community..

    That is your prerogative, but unless you have a very well defined way of dealing with disagreement, and someone on the top dismissing...

    May 27, 2016
  16. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread [Expert in One Year] Week #0 - Introduction.

    Oh, my, God. No, do NOT use w3schools. Seriously. They're a horrible place to learn, with misunderstood semantics, wrong use of elements...

    May 27, 2016
  17. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread copy a bunch of files on a home windows server where first 6 characters equal the folder into the fo.

    Well, the simple way would be to sort by filename in explorer and just mark every filename that goes into one folder and copy/nove them....

    May 26, 2016
  18. sundaybrew liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread css side by side boxes.

    No, actually, it isn't. It promotes bad coding practices, teaches idiotic use of classes and promotes code-bloat. None of which amateurs...

    May 24, 2016
  19. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread HTMl minifying software.

    Minifying HTML serves next to no actual purpose. The HTML, minified or not, shouldn't be more than a few kB, and minifying it shouldn't...

    May 23, 2016