Likes Received By PoPSiCLe

  1. locals liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Is Wordpress best program for making websites these days?.

    When it comes to domain-name hoarding, I am of the notion that you shouldn't be allowed to own a domain for more than two months before...

    Aug 2, 2017
  2. locals liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Is Wordpress best program for making websites these days?.

    While the statement "create something in HTML" is a bit misleading, as @locals stated (you will need a server-side backend to do...

    Aug 1, 2017
  3. Blank ™ liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread phpBB Dropdowns In View Topic Wont Close.

    I'm assuming that answer was to my statement. If it wasn't, then I apologize, and you can ignore the rest of this answer. If it was,...

    Jul 21, 2017
  4. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread I want my topic deleted..

    @korfezli1966 there comes a time when you should just let your keyboard rest, and stop digging your own grave any deeper. You got what...

    Jul 18, 2017
  5. wco liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread I want my topic deleted..

    Your reading comprehension is rather lacking, isn't it? Apart from one post, none called you a thief. They called you a POTENTIAL thief,...

    Jul 17, 2017
  6. Arick unirow liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Grey Singapore refused to pay me, no official invoice but signed NDA.

    Perhaps you've learned that there is nothing called "good faith" in business. ALWAYS use contracts, ALWAYS get everything on paper, and...

    Jul 12, 2017
  7. JEET liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Advice Please: Did My Programmer Write Proper Code? How Do I Check?.

    No! For all that is holy, no. Passwords should NOT be encrypted. They should be HASHED. Which might seem similar, but definitely isn't....

    Jul 11, 2017
  8. JEET liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread What does this mean?.

    Not sure what you mean? What you have there is a ternary operator (basically a short version of an if/else statement). However, it's...

    Jul 6, 2017
  9. JEET liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Advice Please: Did My Programmer Write Proper Code? How Do I Check?.

    If a coder takes a Wordpress theme / plugins and makes a site, not much actual coding (from that person's perspective) have gone into...

    Jul 6, 2017
  10. Jetheat liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread How do I change font size for one <td> cell?.

    Yes... put the id="intro" directly on the <td> in question... Although, since you've called it "intro"... I'm thinking that this perhaps...

    Jul 5, 2017
  11. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread What makes a website vivid?.

    Please, for the love of god, don't add any flash content. Seriously. There is absolutely no reason to have anything flash on a site...

    Jul 3, 2017
  12. mmerlinn liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Advice Please: Did My Programmer Write Proper Code? How Do I Check?.

    If a coder takes a Wordpress theme / plugins and makes a site, not much actual coding (from that person's perspective) have gone into...

    Jul 3, 2017
  13. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread What does this mean?.

    Not sure what you mean? What you have there is a ternary operator (basically a short version of an if/else statement). However, it's...

    Jul 1, 2017
  14. liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread What does this mean?.

    Not sure what you mean? What you have there is a ternary operator (basically a short version of an if/else statement). However, it's...

    Jul 1, 2017
  15. ThePHPMaster liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Advice Please: Did My Programmer Write Proper Code? How Do I Check?.

    If a coder takes a Wordpress theme / plugins and makes a site, not much actual coding (from that person's perspective) have gone into...

    Jun 28, 2017
  16. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Advice Please: Did My Programmer Write Proper Code? How Do I Check?.

    If a coder takes a Wordpress theme / plugins and makes a site, not much actual coding (from that person's perspective) have gone into...

    Jun 26, 2017
  17. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread Wordpress as cms, Newbie help.

    @sarahk DigitalOcean (DO) is a very decent VPS-provider - I use them myself for most of my domains/sites. They're definitely not the...

    Jun 20, 2017
  18. themaster liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread problem with the use of sprint.

    You have one too many %s in the sprintf. The correct line should be: "%s://%s",

    Jun 20, 2017
  19. sarahk liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread html wizard.

    Is it that time of year again? Stupid, non-sensical question(s) with way too little information to give any real advice? To the OP: you...

    Jun 6, 2017
  20. deathshadow liked PoPSiCLe's post in the thread html wizard.

    Is it that time of year again? Stupid, non-sensical question(s) with way too little information to give any real advice? To the OP: you...

    Jun 6, 2017