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    Googles search engine and Android phones

    by DaveN
    Jul 24, 2013
    I often get asked what I think the future of SEO will hold, sometimes I go off on a rant other times I try to let people see what I see. So let’s break down what SEO used to be for a long time : Build a website that was SEO friendly, this meant...

    Dropped Prices, Increases Conversion & Google Rankings Improved

    by rustybrick
    Jul 24, 2013
    There has always been a lot of discussion around the topic of conversion rates and if that impacts your Google rankings. Of course, the correlation versus causation item is on the top of ones mind when discussing such topics.
    But I wanted to share with you a WebmasterWorld thread that tested this...

    Breaking Development: Prototyping Style

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Jul 23, 2013
    I’m attending the Breaking Development conference in San Diego this week, and will be posting my notes from a few of the talks here.

    Ben Callahan did a great talk on design workflows called Prototyping Style. He discussed the problems with linear workflows before giving some great tips on a new way of collaborative working specifically suited for responsive design. We used to have a very linear workflow, which went something like this: Content UX Design Front-end development Back-end...

    Breaking Development: Pitfalls and Triumphs of the Cross-Screen Experience

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Jul 23, 2013
    I’m attending the Breaking Development conference in San Diego this week, and will be posting my notes from a few of the talks here.

    I really enjoyed Cameron Moll‘s talk entitled “Pitfalls and Triumps of the Cross-Screen Experience”. One of the things that I appreciated is that it’s one of the first talks here I’ve seen that looked a bit more critically at Responsive Web Design. Not that Cameron isn’t a fan of responsive design, but he does bring up some interesting questions about its...

    Google's Cutts Says Don't Worry About Duplicate Content But SEOs Don't Trust

    by rustybrick
    Jul 23, 2013
    Yesterday at Search Engine Land I covered a video answer from Google's Matt Cutts on the topic of duplicate content.

    In short, should you worry about having duplicate content on your site or not. The short answer...

    UK Prime Minister Attacks Google, Bing & Yahoo On Child Porn, Demands Better Efforts By October

    by dannysullivan
    Jul 22, 2013
    UK prime minister David Cameron unveiled a wide-range of efforts today to protect children against pornography on the Internet. A significant part of his speech attacked the search engines of Google, Bing and Yahoo for not doing enough and demanding changes by October.

    Below is Cameron’s speech, which I’ve annotated with observations on how difficult the things he demands might or might not be to implement. Search Engine Already “Deter” But How Can’t Be Said

    Cameron starts out somewhat...

    BD Conf 2013: One Design to Rule Them All by Luke Wroblewski

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Jul 22, 2013
    I’m attending the Breaking Development conference in San Diego this week, and will be posting my notes from a few of the talks here.

    Luke Wroblewski kicked off BD Conf 2013 with a talk entitled “One Design to Rule Them All”. It was a bit of a State of the Nation on what’s going on in the device landscape today. Here are my notes from the talk. It’s impossible to determine what kind of experience we should design for by looking at standard device types (phone vs. tablet vs. laptop, etc.)...

    How does required duplicate content (terms and conditions, etc.) affect search?

    Jul 22, 2013
    How does duplicate copy that's legally required (ie Terms & Conditions across multiple offers) affect performance in search? Jason, New York Have a...

    Panda Recovery Poll: Did You Recover Last Week?

    by rustybrick
    Jul 22, 2013
    As you know, Google pushed out a new Panda update last week, that was "more finely targeted." I suggested this was the softer Panda release that we've been expecting but Google didn't use those words...

    Top 25 SEO Agencies Affected by Panda in the UK According to Searchmetrics

    by DaveN
    Jul 19, 2013
    Similar to Branded3′s post last week about the most visible SEO agencies according to Searchmetrics I decided to take the lead and update the spreadsheet to see which SEO companies have good onsite content, due to the fact that Google rolled out a...