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    Is the Future of Mapping Social?

    by Bill Slawski
    Jul 19, 2013
    My neighbor has run over my last two phonebooks, and rendered them virtually unusable. We share the same driveway, and it appears that running over phonebooks, and then backing up to make sure they are really dead has officially become a custom in Virginia, or at least in my neighborhood. It’s OK though, since I [...]

    The post Is the Future of Mapping Social? appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    Vanity Metrics May Not Be All Bad

    by randfish
    Jul 18, 2013
    It’s becoming common wisdom in the SEO, startup, and marketing worlds that so-called vanity metrics are accursed trolls of numbers, sent from the fiery deep to confuse, mislead, and prey on the weak-minded marketer. E.g:

    In a lot of ways, I agree with posts like those Eric Ries has written on the topic. Pivoting based on actionable metrics vs. those that may merely be leading indicators or are merely correlated but not causal seems like a smart idea. The problem is, a lot of the time, those...

    Heart to Heart About Link Building - Whiteboard Friday

    Jul 18, 2013
    With best practices for link building continuously changing, it can be difficult to keep track of which work well and which should be removed from our repertoire. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Michael King (a.k.a. @iPullRank) makes a case for dropping some tactics in favor of others.

    WBF Heart to Heart about Link Building - Michael King wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("m7jf48wdft", { version: "v1", videoWidth: 600, videoHeight: 338,...

    Google Panda Update: Possibly The "Softer" Panda Algorithm

    by rustybrick
    Jul 18, 2013
    There is renewed chatter in the WebmasterWorld forums about another shuffle taking place in Google. The consensus is that this update is likely Panda related.
    We know Google has now slowed the Panda rollout to happen over several days and we also know Google will not confirm Panda updates anymore. We also know that Google wanted to soften the Panda algorithm a bit.

    Google's Cutts: Be Careful Linking Many Sites Together

    by rustybrick
    Jul 18, 2013
    Yesterday, Google's Matt Cutts posted a video answer to the question "If I have 20 domains, should I link them all together?"
    The short answer is, most likely no - you should not link them all together.

    Pragmatism vs. idealism in design

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Jul 17, 2013
    From Mark Boulton’s great post I’m not a Craftsman:

    I’m more often than not in a place where my own job, as a designer, is not to make something I love, but to make something appropriate. Something that does the job well. Something that responds to a hypothesis and serves a need. Not necessarily something loved and beautiful. And that’s ok.

    In many cases, especially when it comes to client work, pragmatism beats idealism in design.    

    Outdated Keyword Optimization Techniques that Could Be Killing Your Rankings

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jul 17, 2013
    Today I've got a guest article about how to optimize your content for today's Google.

    If I have 20 domains, should I link them all together?

    Jul 17, 2013
    Should a customer with 20 domain names link it all together or not, and if he links it should he add nofollow to the links not to pass PageRank? Mark...

    Google To Penalize Sites Manipulating Browser Back Button & Faking Search Results

    by rustybrick
    Jul 17, 2013
    Google announced their next spam target are those who are implementing manipulative browser history techniques to trick the user to thinking they are on Google's search results, when in reality...

    Google Continues To Ask Searchers Which Results They Prefer

    by rustybrick
    Jul 16, 2013
    In December, we reported that Google was asking searchers to help improve Google. Well, those micro surveys to ask searchers which search results they prefer have not gone away.
    Kevin Anchi posted on Google+ more screen ...