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Industry News

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    With Apple’s Help, Google Search Gets Special Info Boxes For iPhone 6 & Apple Watch

    by dannysullivan
    Sep 11, 2014
    Who says rivals can’t work together? If you search on Google for “iPhone 6″ or “Apple Watch,” you’ll discover new information boxes about each product that Google created with the help of Apple.

    Here’s how it looks for search on iPhone 6:

    And for the iPhone 6 Plus:

    And for the Apple Watch:

    These boxes, commonly called Knowledge Graph boxes, are normally automatically generated by information drawn from various sources, such as Wikipedia. Here’s an example of how that is...

    Is Google Going to Marry their Knowledge Base with their Search Engine?

    by Bill Slawski
    Sep 10, 2014
    Google has been answering queries with its search engine for over 15 years, and has been showing us it can answer questions with facts from its Browsable Fact Repository and/or the Google Knowledge Graph. Might Google at some point bring the two...

    How Google Fails To Enforce “First Click Free” — An Eric Schmidt Case Study

    by dannysullivan
    Sep 10, 2014
    News publishers often want to be listed in Google. News publishers also often want to have paywalls or registration barriers. The good news is Google has rules that allow for this. The bad news is that Google routinely fails to enforce these rules. Below, a case study involving content in a major publication authored by Google’s own executive chairman, Eric Schmidt.

    I was doing a search today and came across a news story that looked of interest:

    When I clicked on the story — a letter...

    Google: We're Working On A Solution To Refresh Penguin Faster

    by rustybrick
    Sep 10, 2014
    We know webmasters, especially those impacted by Penguin 2.1 are getting really anxious. It has been 11 months and 6 days since the last complex to refresh Penguin and it is taking them time.
    Google confirmed a few newish items around Penguin and what the engineers at Google are working on with the algorithm this week. Google is working on speeding it up because...

    Image Sitemap Indexation

    by AJ Kohn
    Sep 9, 2014
    This post is a bit of penance for yours truly. Read on to make sure you don’t fall into this trap. Image Sitemap Indexation

    For many months I’d open Google Webmaster Tools and stare at poor indexation rates for images across a number of client accounts. Not just one or two but several clients with crappy image indexation rates.

    This didn’t make much sense to me since image traffic reported in Google Webmaster Tools was healthy.

    In addition, image traffic reported using Google...

    What Ranking Signal is Better, HTTPS or FOAF markup, when Searcher and Searched Author are Connected?

    by Bill Slawski
    Sep 9, 2014
    Recently, Google announced that they would be ranking pages higher in search results when those pages use a secure protocol of https. The Google Webmaster Central blog told us so through Google Webmaster Trends Analysts Zineb Ait Bahajji and Gary...

    Google Panda Update On September 5th

    by rustybrick
    Sep 9, 2014
    On Friday, I saw dozens of threads in the Google Webmaster Help forums with people complaining about major traffic loses. But the automated tracking tools from Moz, SearchMetrics, Algoroo, SERPS.com and others didn't really show any signs...

    Google: Even After Algorithm Update, Your Rankings Changes May Not Be Immediately Visible

    by rustybrick
    Sep 9, 2014
    In response to our story on Google confirming a Penguin refresh is needed to recover from Penguin, Google's John Mueller added more context to his answer in the Google Webmaster Help thread.
    In short, he made a few important points...

    What 11 technology books tell us about our moment

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Sep 8, 2014
    Monica Guzman spent the summer on a tech book binge. She read 11 technology books to get a sense of our current technological moment. In the short article How my summer tech book binge changed the way I think about tech she explains some of the things she learned:

    Tech serves us best when we create rather than consume. Where [Nicholas] Carr saw the worst of tech’s impact, Clive Thompson, in “Smarter Than You Think,” saw the best. One difference was that Carr — in arguing, for example,...

    [Sponsored post] Wearable Tech Hits the Road, the Waves and your Wardrobe

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Sep 8, 2014
    This post is sponsored by Rackspace Digital, the digital marketing infrastructure specialists.

    In recent months, wearable tech has shown signs of emerging maturity. Not only are wearable devices getting smarter and more powerful, they’re also becoming more practical and beautiful. As batteries and sensors continue to get smaller, and with Google releasing the Android Wear operating system back in March, a slew of new wearables will hit the market before the end of the year. Smart watches,...