If you have the technical knowhow to work with APIs, you can utilize the Digital Point APIs to programmatically access data.

Rate Limiting

All accounts are limited to 60 API calls per minute. For unauthenticated API calls, your IP address is limited to 5 API calls per minute.




Authentication is handled by passing three parameters (access_id, signature and expires) in within headers (Auth-Access-Id, Auth-Signature and Auth-Expires) in your HTTP request. The signature is generated from your Access ID, Secret Key (which you can get here) and a Unix timestamp like so (PHP example):

PHP example

$expires = time() + 300;
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $accessId . '-' . $expires, $secretKey, true));

API Types

Valid API types currently are:


Used to evaluate content (for example detecting plagiarism and determining the writing quality of articles).


Can be used to view your digital goods licenses as well as download the latest version you have access to.


Can be used to utilize various functions from the tools section of our website.