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    Bing Search Updating?

    by rustybrick
    Dec 3, 2013
    It is possible that there may be a Bing Search update happening now - although Bing updates are always much harder to track.

    WebmasterWorld and HighRankings Forum both have webmasters noticing changes in rankings at Bing since the weekend...

    Google: Our Algorithms Don't Stand Still, Neither Should You

    by rustybrick
    Dec 3, 2013
    I see these threads all the time, a webmaster complaining their rankings suddenly dropped and for no reason.

    Well, Google's John Mueller responded to one of these...

    WSJ Report: Apple Buys Topsy, A Leading Twitter Search & Analytics Company

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 2, 2013
    The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple has purchased Topsy, one of the leading Twitter search and analytics companies, for more than $200 million.

    The WSJ report says that Apple has confirmed the deal but wouldn’t comment more beyond this statement: Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.

    Topsy is about the only decent third-party Twitter search service to have survived, in recent years.

    Google had a...

    Why some people prefer physical books over ebooks

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Dec 2, 2013
    I’m a little hesitant to believe these kinds of stats without seeing the actual research (and you have to pay for this report, which makes it even harder to verify), but Voxburner claims that 62% of 16-24s prefer books as physical products. That’s interesting in itself, but even more interesting is the reasons they cite:

    There is less affection towards electronic versions of books. Whereas age is shown in the spine of each book — and commitment by the size of one’s bookshelf — digital...

    10 Years Covering The Search Industry

    by rustybrick
    Dec 2, 2013
    Ten years ago today was my first post on the Search Engine Roundtable and I have not stopped since. I've been writing about search, SEO, Google, Bing, Yahoo and search engines that have come and gone for ten straight years. On average, I push out five articles a day on this site - it still amazes me to this day that there are five new things I can talk about within the search niche daily.
    I've spent 30% of my life writing about search engines...

    Don’t let advertising fool you

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Dec 1, 2013
    Adam Corner provides a very interesting perspective on modern advertising in Ad nauseam — Advertising turned anti-consumerism into a weapon. He starts off by discussing a new brand of ad that wants to join us in our distaste for, well, advertising:

    These ads want to be our friends — to empathise with us against the tyranny of the corporate world they inhabit. Just when we thought we’d cottoned on to subliminal advertising, personalised sidebars on web pages, advertorials and infomercials,...

    Design agency life

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Nov 29, 2013
    Tim Caynes’ on exposure is an honest and accurate depiction of what it’s like to work at a design agency:

    if there’s one thing that really hits home in your first 3 months of transition, it’s the change in pace. and it’s not that the change in pace is a bad thing. it’s just that it feels like you don’t have enough time to think. which means you don’t have enough time to design. which is stressful and surprising and difficult and awkward. because you might not actually be able to do it....

    Did Google Update On Thanksgiving Or Traffic Down Due To Holiday?

    by rustybrick
    Nov 29, 2013
    A WebmasterWorld thread plus dozens of threads at the Google Webmaster Help forums have webmasters complaining about both ranking changes and traffic drops from Google's search engine.

    The traffic drop would make sense being that it is a holiday and on US holidays traffic normally drops...

    Unplug all you want — it won’t help

    by Rian van der Merwe
    Nov 28, 2013
    In The Disconnectionists Nathan Jurgenson takes to task those who speak about digital detoxes and the negative social effects of being online:

    Op-eds, magazine articles, news programs, and everyday discussion frames logging off as reclaiming real social interaction with your real self and other real people. The R in IRL. When the digital is misunderstood as exclusively “virtual,” then pushing back against the ubiquity of connection feels like a courageous re-embarking into the wilderness...

    How to Swaggerjack the Power of Visual Memes - Whiteboard Friday

    Nov 28, 2013
    Visual assets like memes and truly informative infographics have always been (and will continue to be) effective ways of driving traffic and generating conversations. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Lena West walks us through some of the more effective examples, proving that it isn't difficult to create visual assets that get people talking.
