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Industry News

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    What should we expect in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google?

    May 13, 2013
    Matt Cutts, Mountain View Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: http:...

    Speaking at SMX London – May 15th 2013

    by DaveN
    May 13, 2013
    On Wednesday I will be heading back to Chelsea Football Club to speak at SMX London. As a Leeds United fan I used to go to Chelsea’s ground many years ago for away matches, but lots has changed since those days I’m speaking on a panel with the...

    Google's Major Penguin Update Coming In Weeks. It Will Be Big!

    by rustybrick
    May 13, 2013
    On Friday, Google's head of search spam, Matt Cutts announced on Twitter that the Penguin update we are expecting this year, will be coming in the next few weeks.

    Matt Cutts said...

    It’s (still) all about affordance

    by Rian van der Merwe
    May 12, 2013
    Granted, the skeuomorphism vs. flat design debate (a false dichotomy anyway) is getting a bit old. But it’s worth reading Matt Gemmell’s take in Tail wagging, because he makes some great points about what makes for good interface design. Like this one:

    Our tastes, and capabilities, have moved a bit beyond screamingly-obvious knobs and dials. We don’t need drop-shadows to encourage us to poke at something. All we need is an invitation, in the form of icons or labels or animations which...

    Example debunk post

    by MattCutts
    May 12, 2013
    Over the years I’ve written a lot of blog posts to debunk misconceptions or claims that weren’t true. Sometimes I publish the blogs posts but often I don’t. This is a pretty typical example post. Someone claimed that Google was evil for removing a particular domain, when in fact the domain had been removed from Google’s index via a self-service user request to our url removal tool.

    When we see misconceptions, we try to figure out where the confusion happened and how to prevent that type of...

    Avoiding Misinformation While Learning from Search Related Patents

    by Bill Slawski
    May 12, 2013
    On May 1st, Google’s Head of Webspam Matt Cutts published a video in his series of Google Webmaster Help videos, answering the question, “What’s the latest SEO misconception that you would like to put to rest?”

    For some reason, Matt decided to focus upon patents, with a video about people possibly placing too much faith [...]

    The post Avoiding Misinformation While Learning from Search Related Patents appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    How to create a culture of High Performance Happiness

    by Rian van der Merwe
    May 11, 2013
    In Where the Happy Talk About Corporate Culture Is Wrong Cliff Oxford makes the case that there is big difference between Human Resources Happy and High Performance Happy in organizations:

    Here’s how I define H.R. Happy: Bosses are at least superficially nice and periodically pretend to be interested in employees as people. These employees can count on birthday-cake celebrations and shallow conversations about what their hobbies are outside of work. This approach allows H.R. people to do...

    Google’s Matt Cutts: Next Generation Of The Penguin Update “Few Weeks” Away

    by dannysullivan
    May 10, 2013
    In March, Google’s chief web spam fighter Matt Cutts promised that the Penguin Update designed to fight spam would get a big refresh later this year. Today, Cutts gave an update — keep waiting. It’s still a few weeks off. Along the way, there’s some confusion about whether the next Penguin Update will be Penguin 2 or Penguin 4. It’ll be Penguin 4, in how we reckon things. Let’s dive in. This Week Wasn’t Penguin

    Publishers have already been wondering if a change in rankings that many have...

    Positioning Your Business for the Future of SEO - Whiteboard Friday

    May 9, 2013
    Keeping up with the rapidly changing pace of SEO best-practices can sometimes be as difficult as juggling flaming batons while reciting the alphabet backwards. As an agency or business owner, you need a checklist to help make sure you're staying competitive, focusing on the right tactics, and building your business in the right direction. 

    In today's Whiteboard Friday, Ron Garett discusses how to position your business for whatever the future of SEO may bring. Leave your thoughts and...

    Google & Time Inc. Launch Timelapse: See How Any Part Of The World Has Changed Over Time

    by dannysullivan
    May 9, 2013
    The new Timelapse site, created by Time Inc. and Google, is a pretty amazing way to see how any part of the world has changed since 1984 through 2012. The site offers amazing animations such as the growth of Las Vegas and the shrinking of the Columbia Glacier, and you can point it at any part of the world you want.

    Google explains more about how it has collected the images with the US Geological Survey since 2009 and sifted through to find those with good quality, and without cloud cover,...