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    Sneaky Footer Links and Other Footer Abuses That Google Dislikes

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jan 16, 2013
    In my '18 SEO Killers' article from the end of last year, I mentioned footer links as a potential SEO problem. I know this confused many people because I didn't explain what I meant by them. This article takes an in-depth look at footer abuses.

    Advanced SEO Forum Thread of the Week

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jan 16, 2013
    Is It Okay to Use Subdomains Rather Than Directories?

    Should SEOs Take Notice Of Facebook's Graph Search

    by rustybrick
    Jan 16, 2013
    The big dominating technology news yesterday was Facebook's announcement of their search play named Graph Search.

    I have early access to the preview but there is literrally hundreds of write ups on how it works and why it works as it does.

    Danny has his up close with.....

    Up Close With Facebook Graph Search

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 15, 2013
    We’ve covered the launch of Facebook Graph Search, explored how it differs from Google search but now it’s time for the hands-on. Come along for a tour of how it works. Sign-Up & Wait 

    To get started, you have to sign-up, where you’ll be added to a waiting list. There’s no particular ETA of when you’ll actually have it enabled:

    Expect it to likely take days and possibly weeks, especially if you’re late to signing-up. But when it happens, you’ll see a notice like this:

    The New...

    How The New Facebook Search Is Different & Unique From Google Search

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 15, 2013
    At long last, Facebook’s search challenge to Google has arrived. But it has arrived in a much different format than many expected. Indeed, Facebook’s not using its data to provide a better search than Google. Facebook is providing a new type of search that you simply can’t do on Google or anywhere else. The Connections Of Links Vs. Likes

    I’ve struggled with how to describe this new service. I hate the term “graph,” whether it’s used by Facebook for “Social Graph” and now for “Facebook Graph...

    January 2013 Google Update Brewing?

    by rustybrick
    Jan 15, 2013
    I am seeing some signs (not heavy heavy chatter but enough chatter) of a possible Google update brewing as early as this past Sunday or Monday (yesterday).

    Two WebmasterWorld threads have chatter about a possible update...

    What Do Correlation Metrics Really Tell Us About Search Rankings?

    by randfish
    Jan 13, 2013
    I’m excited to see the marketing field getting more interested in correlation data and metrics around SEO. There’s a lot of folks citing data from SearchMetrics’ UK Study, from Mark Collier’s Open Algorithm project, and from SEOmoz’s own ranking factors and follow-up reports. (Searchmetrics’ study at left, OpenAlgorithm at right)

    The trouble is how this data gets perceived and interpreted by practitioners and those around them in a marketing organization, and I need to take at least partial...

    Google Acquires Patent for Eye Scan Security and Augmented Imagery

    by Bill Slawski
    Jan 12, 2013
    On Friday afternoon, I took a walk to the auto repair shop working on my car, about a mile and a half down the road. A phone alert made me aware of a Google Now card springing up to give me directions to the shop, and telling me that it would take me less than [...]

    The post Google Acquires Patent for Eye Scan Security and Augmented Imagery appeared first on SEO by the Sea.

    RIP Aaron Swartz, One Of The Earliest Google Bloggers

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 12, 2013
    I was saddened to see the news that Aaron Swartz had committed suicide. Such a tragedy. Swartz is known for a wide-range of things, such as helping create Reddit, RSS and being an internet activist. But I remember him most as one of the earliest Google bloggers.

    The Google Weblog went up on March 17, 2002, two years before Google launched its own official blog. I mentioned it to my own readers soon after as a new site that was about all about Google. Aaron, in speaking to Philipp Lenssen of...

    Why Asking StumbleUpon To Remove Your Links Is Dumb

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 11, 2013
    Turns out, StumbleUpon is getting regular requests each week from people asking for it to remove links to their sites, people who are worried that being linked to from a popular and long-standing social media sharing site is somehow hurting them with Google. The linksanity sadly continues.

    Every since Google stepped up its attack on bad links last year, in particular with its Penguin Update, there’s been panic in some quarters about getting links removed. But it’s not about removing all...