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    Phone Support Comes To Google Local For Business

    by rustybrick
    Jan 9, 2013
    Jade Wang mentioned that a specific person can contact the Google Maps support team in a Google Maps Help thread, and linked to this support form.
    If you click through the options, you may get to a way for Google to contact you via phone.

    Google Fixes Definition URLs, Makes Them Clickable Links

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 8, 2013
    When Google introduced a new format last month for the definitions it sometimes shows at the top of its search results, something was missing. The source URL wasn’t a clickable link. That’s now been fixed.

    Here’s an example, the definition box that Google shows for a “define speed of light” search:

    The URL shown under the definition previously wasn’t clickable. Instead, the only way to click through to the source of the definition was to use the smaller “Source” link at the very...

    January 2013 Google Webmaster Report

    by rustybrick
    Jan 7, 2013
    As it is our tradition, here is our monthly recap of all Google Webmaster related topics we've covered in the past month and summarizing anything new in the ongoing WebmasterWorld thread.

    The Strange Explanation Of Why Windows Phone Users Lost Access To Google Maps

    by dannysullivan
    Jan 5, 2013
    On Friday, Windows Phone users found themselves unable to access Google Maps. Google says it made no sudden change on its end to cause this, but some of Google’s explanations for the blockage don’t add up. Windows Phone User? No Google Maps For You!

    To recap briefly, Windows Phone users started reporting (as covered by The Verge) that they were unable to reach Google Maps using the Internet Explorer web browser on their phones. They got redirected instead to the Google home page.


    Verifying ownership of your site in Google Webmaster Tools

    Jan 3, 2013
    This video helps you determine which method of verification in Webmaster Tools might be easiest for you. Please see goo.gl/kQnHQ for more information...

    My 7 Most Popular 2012 SEO Articles

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Jan 2, 2013
    Missed any of Jill's articles in 2012? Do not fear, today's HRA recaps the most popular ones!

    94% Of Google Penguin Victims Did Not Fully Recover

    by rustybrick
    Jan 2, 2013
    A few months ago, I ran a poll asking if you recovered from Penguin, Google's link based algorithmic filter/penalty (or whatever you want to call it).
    Remember, 64% were hit by the Penguin update - at least, those who responded to my poll. And of those, how many recovered since the first, second and third updates? Not many!

    Top Search Stories Of 2012: Penguin, Panda, EMD & Search Logos

    by rustybrick
    Dec 31, 2012
    Since everyone else is doing it, why not! Here are the top search stories of 2012 written here in the past year.
    As you can see much of them are specific to Google Updates such as Google Penguin, Google Panda and Google EMD related. And to no ones surprise, there were a lot of popular Google logo stories.

    Google New Years Eve Logo Showcases All 2012 Doodles

    by rustybrick
    Dec 31, 2012
    It is New Years Eve and the search engines are getting out their costumes and dressing up for the special night. So far, the only major search engine without a special logo is Yahoo...

    Google Finance Brings Up Apple Stock Chart For Search On “Sell”

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 29, 2012
    Do a search on Google Finance for the word “sell,” and Google returns the stock chart for Apple. Why? Perhaps someone at Google has rigged this as an “Easter Egg” or joke. However, that’s far from clear.

    There’s no good reason why I can see that this is happening, something spotted by PFhub and which has since been noted by The Next Web and also a discussion on Reddit.

    I’ve seen a few comments that this is due to the Reuters-description that Google Finance shows for Apple having the word...