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    94% Of Google Penguin Victims Did Not Fully Recover

    by rustybrick
    Jan 2, 2013
    A few months ago, I ran a poll asking if you recovered from Penguin, Google's link based algorithmic filter/penalty (or whatever you want to call it).
    Remember, 64% were hit by the Penguin update - at least, those who responded to my poll. And of those, how many recovered since the first, second and third updates? Not many!

    Top Search Stories Of 2012: Penguin, Panda, EMD & Search Logos

    by rustybrick
    Dec 31, 2012
    Since everyone else is doing it, why not! Here are the top search stories of 2012 written here in the past year.
    As you can see much of them are specific to Google Updates such as Google Penguin, Google Panda and Google EMD related. And to no ones surprise, there were a lot of popular Google logo stories.

    Google New Years Eve Logo Showcases All 2012 Doodles

    by rustybrick
    Dec 31, 2012
    It is New Years Eve and the search engines are getting out their costumes and dressing up for the special night. So far, the only major search engine without a special logo is Yahoo...

    Google Finance Brings Up Apple Stock Chart For Search On “Sell”

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 29, 2012
    Do a search on Google Finance for the word “sell,” and Google returns the stock chart for Apple. Why? Perhaps someone at Google has rigged this as an “Easter Egg” or joke. However, that’s far from clear.

    There’s no good reason why I can see that this is happening, something spotted by PFhub and which has since been noted by The Next Web and also a discussion on Reddit.

    I’ve seen a few comments that this is due to the Reuters-description that Google Finance shows for Apple having the word...

    How Link Building Really Works These Days

    by Tadeusz Szewczyk
    Dec 28, 2012

    I do not write a lot about link building. When I do I try to expand the concept usually or at least question it. The problem with link building is that it doesn't go away. No matter how often I and other people say that you have to get links, earn links or at least create link bait

    people both from the SEO industry and clients will always want you to build links or write about it.

    That's not the only reason why I return to the topic of link building: two of my colleagues I value very...

    Only 5% Of News Publishers Use The Google News Keywords Meta Tag

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 26, 2012
    Just over three months ago, Google launched the news keyword meta tag designed to let news publishers have a better chance of ranking for words they might not have included in their headlines. Adoption rate so far? Only about 5% of the sources within Google News use the tag, according to new data provided by Blekko.

    Last month, I’d asked Google how many publishers were using the tag. It declined to answer. But rival search engine Blekko crawls the web and is able to spot what pages have the...

    Google Cutts: Links From Press Releases Won't Help

    by rustybrick
    Dec 26, 2012
    An old fashion and sometimes often used method today, to get links to your web site, is to use press releases with embedded links in those releases. So you'd contract a press release... Matt Cutts of Google said in a Google Webmaster Help forums that links from press releases shouldn't have a positive impact on your rankings...

    An update on Google's webmaster videos

    Dec 25, 2012
    Matt Cutts addresses a noted trend in his webmaster videos. See the infographic: www.click2rank.com Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help...

    Where’s Santa Claus? The 2012 Santa Tracker List, From NORAD To Google, From The Web To Apps

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 24, 2012
    It’s Christmas Even, and Santa Claus is on his annual trip delivering presents to all the good little boys and girls around the world. This year, not just one but two major organizations are offering ways to track Jolly St. Nick on his flight. Below, our annual review of how to track him by the web, by app or even through a telephone call.

    In the first corner, we have NORAD — the joint US-Canadian missile-tracking organization that has also been watching for Santa since 1955, after a...

    How I Recovered from Panda by Banning Google

    by Tadeusz Szewczyk
    Dec 21, 2012
    A panda might by a a cute animal but for most people who have a website and get traffic from search or rather mostly from Google it's worse than a zombie. Websites hit by one of the numerous so called Panda updates lose often a large percentage of their visitors and in many cases the businesses who own such websites go bankrupt.

    This blog here has been among the highest ranked SEO blogs for years until one day in November of 2011 Google penalized it

    during the Google Panda 2.8 update as...