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    Google's Matt Cutts: I Don't Know 10% Of Your SEO Questions

    by rustybrick
    Apr 10, 2014
    Google's Matt Cutts said he has to research about 10% of the SEO questions he answers on those daily videos. I always find it interesting trying to understand how complex the algorithm is. So I always wonder how much one person can know about it. Now, of course, the SEO questions do not equal the algorithm, so I followed up and asked Matt how much of the algorithm was in his brain and he...

    What's your process for shooting videos?

    Apr 9, 2014

    Google AdWords To Go Not Provided Also?

    by rustybrick
    Apr 9, 2014
    As you may have heard already via AJ Ghergich or my post referencing his on Search Engine Land - it seems incredibly likely that the changes coming to not provided via Google is that they will apply the same rule they have for organic referrer data to AdWords referrer data...

    Google's Matt Cutts: Not All Manual Actions Are Ranking Demotions

    by rustybrick
    Apr 9, 2014
    Google issues lots of different manual actions or penalties on sites for various reasons. But not all those manual actions lead to a ranking demotion in Google.

    Google's Matt Cutts said this on Twitter that "not every manual action gives a ranking demotion...

    Matt Cutts: Google Penalizes Seven Link Networks In Japan

    by rustybrick
    Apr 8, 2014
    Google's Matt Cutts announced on Twitter at 2:30am this morning that over the past few months, Google has taken action on seven link networks in Japan...

    Google's Matt Cutts: You've Got A Mild Case Of Penguin

    by rustybrick
    Apr 8, 2014
    The Google Penguin algorithm has been taunting SEOs for a long time now, but did you know there are different degrees of Penguin?
    It is not that you are hit by the Penguin algorithm or not. You can be hit harder or softer depending on your links...

    How does Googlebot handle content loaded via AJAX?

    Apr 7, 2014

    Social Signals and SEO

    by AJ Kohn
    Apr 7, 2014
    Do social signals (Tweets, Likes and Pluses) impact search rankings? The answer to this question is yes, but not in the traditional sense. That's why so much misinformation exists on the topic.

    So before you run off and get all your friends to Tweet your post (or worse yet buy Likes etc.), read on to understand the math and real reason why social works. Social Signals Are Not Part Of The Algorithm

    No matter how much we want it, or how many times we think it would make sense, it's just...

    SEOs Calling Out Google's Matt Cutts As A Hypocrite?

    by rustybrick
    Apr 7, 2014
    On Friday, Matt Cutts, Google's head of fighting all evil web spam, posted on Twitter an interview he gave to the usesthis.com blog. It is basically a place where a guy named Daniel interviews nerds about what hardware they use...

    The Rules of Link Building - Whiteboard Friday

    Apr 3, 2014
    Much of marketing, especially SEO, has shifted from a game with very few rules to a game that Google is fairly strictly refereeing. With their old tactics eliciting penalties, many marketers are simply throwing in the towel.

    In today's Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard calls a time-out and shows us the new strategy we need to come out on top.

    For reference, here's a still of this...