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    How I Recovered from Panda by Banning Google

    by Tadeusz Szewczyk
    Dec 21, 2012
    A panda might by a a cute animal but for most people who have a website and get traffic from search or rather mostly from Google it's worse than a zombie. Websites hit by one of the numerous so called Panda updates lose often a large percentage of their visitors and in many cases the businesses who own such websites go bankrupt.

    This blog here has been among the highest ranked SEO blogs for years until one day in November of 2011 Google penalized it

    during the Google Panda 2.8 update as...

    Stuff You Might Like

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Dec 20, 2012
    SEO Seminar / Training Class on January 25th, 2013 in Naples, FL.

    Finally, You Can Search All Your Tweets Via Twitter

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 19, 2012
    It’s been one of the biggest problems Twitter has had for years, that it’s difficult to find your own tweets on the Twitter. The new Twitter Archive service that Twitter launched today goes a long way in solving this issue.

    Step-By-Step: How To Download All Your Tweets With The New Twitter Archive Service is our story on our Marketing Land sister-site that covers how the new service works. Here on Search Engine Land, we’ll focus on the search aspect.

    After you’ve downloaded your tweets,...

    Holiday tips

    Dec 19, 2012
    Matt Cutts presents some of his holiday tips for keeping your data safe. Download Chrome: www.google.com Enable 2-factor authentication:...

    Google Challenges NORAD In Tracking Santa, Launches Google Santa Tracker

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 19, 2012
    Google has decided to take on the decades-old Santa tracking service that NORAD offers with its own “Google Santa Tracker.” It comes in the wake NORAD booting Google out as a partner in favor of Microsoft. How NORAD Began Tracking Santa Since 1955

    First some history, then what Google has in store. When I was a kid (I said history, right?) back in the 1970s, I remember listening to the radio to get NORAD updates about where Santa’s location was. NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defense...

    Why Running Ranking Reports Is a Fool's Errand

    Jill Whalen
    by Jill Whalen
    Dec 19, 2012
    By now you've heard the news that a few of the major SEO tool companies will no longer be providing ranking reports as part of the website data they supply. While you are probably still in shock and scrambling to figure out what to do about it, if you're serious about your online marketing, it's actually the best thing that could happen to you.

    25 Shocking Remarks about SEO, Social Media, Facebook & Google to Tell Your Family During the Holiday Season

    by Tadeusz Szewczyk
    Dec 19, 2012

    Watch out: this post has been censored on SEOptimise a year ago because it can allegedly hurt religious feelings! Thus I apologize in advance to gay Muslim anarchists and other religious minorities for not getting mentioned!


    It’s the holiday season again. Christmas and New Year's Eve are always a time where we are confronted with real life. We can’t connect to Facebook all the time, tinkering with keywords is frowned upon by partners, children and other relatives. Writing blog...

    FTC Ruling On Google Anti-Trust Issues Expected Tomorrow; EU Expects Settlement Offer Next Month

    by dannysullivan
    Dec 18, 2012
    The European Union appears to be closer to agreement with Google about anti-trust concerns relating to search, while AllThingsD reports that the expected US Federal Trade Commission ruling will come tomorrow.

    Multiple sources are reporting that the EU and Google are nearing an agreement, with the matter to be settled in January. From Bloomberg: “I have decided to continue with the process towards reaching an agreement” to settle the investigation, [EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin]...

    Negative SEO

    Dec 18, 2012
    Matt Cutts addresses questions about negative SEO. Learn more about the disavow links feature: support.google.com Have a question? Ask it in our...

    What has been the biggest surprise of 2012 for you and your spam team?

    Dec 17, 2012
    Danielroofer (aka Daniel Weadley), Camberley, Surrey, UK Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: groups.google.com Want your question to...